Speech & Language Therapy Services in Mainstream School Parent session – Rosendale school Marie-Therese Worthington, SLT
Aims Discuss areas targeted in speech & language therapy Discuss the current service delivery model Outline suggestions for how school & SLT support children’s speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) Give ideas for how to help your child at home
Terminology Lots of modelling Lots of praise Understanding Expressive Language Vocabulary, grammar, narrative Clear speech sounds and fluency Attention & Listening Social Motivation Play
SLT service to Mainstream Schools in Lambeth School caseload is allocated number of SLT sessions based on clinical need SLT liaises with SENCo to plan how to use this time. SLT programmes set up after: discussion with CT, discussion with parents, observation & assessment. Typically, SLT models activities for teacher/TA to carry out at least twice a week. Schools use teacher checklists to identify children who need to be referred
From RCSLT position paper
SLT service delivery in Lambeth Universal Services Those services that are available to all children and their families Targeted Services Those services that provide support aimed at particular groups of children often within universal settings Specialist Services Those specific SLT services provided for newly referred children and those with high-level needs Training – re language development and environment Advice Clinics / Drop-ins that anyone can attend Modelling in the classroom Drop-ins where those on caseload are invited IEP meetings Communication groups / programmes run by school staff with SLT support (Joint working with teachers around differentiation and target setting) (Training aimed at supporting specific groups of children) Assessment Reports (initial, SA2, annual review) Direct therapy (1:1/group) Specialist Outreach (complex needs, ASD)
Why do you need to support your child’s language development So your child can: – Tell you their needs – Have a conversation with you! – Understand instructions – Make friends – Access the curriculum at school
Parent Child Interaction The way adults interact affects how children communicate. You as the parent or carer play a key role in supporting your child’s thinking and language development.
Activity 1 Talking about your holiday
To support your child’s language development you need to…
STOP Stop what you’re doing and focus on the child Give the child time and space to speak
LOOK Look at what your child is doing and take an interest in it Listen to what they are trying to say
RESPOND Give your child lots of praise. If your child makes a mistake, model the correct word/phrase. Ask as few questions as possible. Expand their language by adding new words.
Special Time Five minutes each day where you give your child your undivided attention. During this time: allow your child to choose what to play with. Follow their lead at all times. Comment on what they are doing. Have fun!
Play Play is essential to your child’s development It is linked to other skills such as language and thinking To develop these skills children need to have someone to play with
Tips for playing with your child It does not have to be expensive or complicated; it’s an opportunity to get creative! Get together lots of different things for your child to look at, think about and do. Give your child plenty of opportunities to use their bodies by running, jumping and climbing, especially if you don’t have much room at home. Remember ‘Special Time’!
Activity 2 Following instructions
How can you support your child’s understanding?
Clearly label objects / actions Use lots of repetition Show object at the child’s eye level Speak slowly Speak at the child’s language level Use body language, facial expression and gesture Offer choices to your child How can you support your child’s understanding?
Modelling & Recasting ppsxfrequentrecasting2.ppsx
Take Home Activity Pick one strategy we have mentioned today to help support your child’s language development. Practice the strategy at home this week when playing with your child.
Summary Speech and Language Therapists work in Primary schools with a range of children Parents are key in their child’s language development – STOP, LOOK, RESPOND Having Special Time with your child can promote language development