Kirk Wilkinson - Founder and President of The Happiness Factor –
50% 10% 40% Genetics, Background & Programming Circumstances What you can control and change Source: The How of Happiness, Sonya Lyubormirski /
Doctors put in a positive mood 3x more intelligence and creativity Accurate diagnosis 19% faster Optimistic sales people Outsell their pessimistic peers by up to 56% Students primed to be happy Outperform their neutral peers on proficiency tests “Optimism is a force multiplier” Colin Powell
Handle stress and uncertainty better Increased creativity and innovation Greater trust Better problem solving Less conflict and contention – better relationships Lower workplace turnover Healthier and happier
/ “You don’t have to get mad just because you don’t know the answer!”
What you do! Who you are! Your roles, your net worth, your mistakes, service to others, profession, accomplishments, awards, recognition, your weight, your looks, your body, etc.. /
I make mistakes I am a bad person! / Incompetent Inadequate
I am able to do good things! I am a good person! Competent Adequate
W.A.I.D.T. Why am I doing this?
You are not perfect You are unable to meet everyone’s expectations Your weaknesses don’t define you Though you could be better – you are OK.
Strength Talents & Gifts Skills Acquired abilities Intellect Factual Knowledge Experience Experiential Knowledge Time Invested S= T>&G x SIESIE x Time People who focus on their talents are 6 times more likely to be successful in their job and 3 times more likely to report an excellent quality of life. /
I A M STRONG T : Top of Mind and gut reactions R : Recurring themes, situations or requests I : Insights from those who ‘believe’ in you P : Passions and yearnings L : Learning (speed) – how fast you learn E : Effortless (or Flow) S : Satisfaction and fulfillment Adapted from Now Discover Your Strengths by Donald Clifton
Take Charge Communicator Inclusive Observation Thinker Competition Connectedness Vigilant Coach Fairness Goal Oriented Ideation Innovator Collector Add value Optimism Relationships Ownership Problem Solver Self-Assurance Meaningfulness Strategic Rapport Kind Framer Careful Orderly Perseverance Empathy Resilience Compassion Learning Curious Deduction Collaborative Peacemaker Achievement Action Adaptability Analytical Arranger Ethical Talents – A new vocabulary Adapted from Now Discover Your Strengths by Donald Clifton
“After 70 years of research it is clear that people matter, and matter more than anything else.” George Vaillant
Facts Feelings Needs Outside in Inside out /
“I am willing to consider that you may be right – but I need more information…” “I can tell this is important to you. Can you tell more about what this means to you?” “Before we continue to disagree, what is it we agree on?” “Can I have some time to process this so that I can give you a thoughtful response?” “Did I?”
坐下闭嘴 SDASU Sit down and shut up !
W.A.I.T. Why am I talking?
ROV: Value ROSA: Acceptance ROS: Strengths ROF: Failure ROT: Trust R.O.D. Discipline ROW: Who ROQ: Quiet Tomorrow: The Optimist’s Advantage
Kirk Wilkinson - Founder and President of The Happiness Factor –