More Alike than Different Teaching Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities. Natalie Knott
More Alike than Different Definition: Who are students with severe and multiple disabilities? Eligibility: Who is eligible? What are the requirements? Characteristics: What are the student abilities? Accommodations: How can these students be included?
Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities: Definition IDEA does not define specifically Definitions have concentrated on student deficits
Definition Can include, but not always students with autism,deaf- blindness
Definition Can include deaf- blindness, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, traumatic brain injury
Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities 0 “ are those individuals who require ongoing support in one or more major life activities in order to enjoy a quality of life similar to all citizens.” (TASH,2000) 0 Brown,2011
Major Life Activities 0 Communication 0 Self-care 0 Learning 0 Mobility
Students with severe and multiple disabilities can learn 0 Zero-reject Principle of IDEA: 0 “ ALL school age children, regardless of the severity of their disability, are entitled to a free and appropriate public education” (Turnball, Stowe,& Huerta,2007) 0 Brown,2007
More Alike than Different 0 Each student is an individual 0 different interests, 0 ‘likes, and dislikes
Examples: Favorite Show
Eligibility IDEA requires multiple tests Screening Assessments Intelligence tests Adaptive Behavior tests
Characteristics: Physical 0 Some but not all experience medical conditions; 0 Cerebral palsy 0 Seizures 0 Tumors 0 Some, but not all, may have difficulty eating and or walking
Characteristics: Functional 0 Severe to profound cognitive disabilities 0 Learn at a slower pace 0 Generalizing skills and Communication is challenging 0 Beirne-Smith,2006
Remember 0 Students are individuals. 0 Form friendships. 0 They are an important part of a family, 0 They are part of the school and community
Accommodations Implement alternative ways of 0 Presentation 0 Engagement 0 Expression
Accommodations During Teaching 0 Presentation: 0 Use of real objects when teaching 0 Technology; Computer, iPad 0 Repeat the main idea 0 Make material relevant
Accommodations 0 Engagement during class: 0 Power point 0 Interactive activities 0 Assistive Technology
Accommodations for assessing knowledge and teaching effectiveness 0 Expression : Alternative ways to show what they have learned. 0 Extend answering time 0 Communication: 0 Assistive Technology 0 Voice output device 0 Switch devices
Thank you.
References 0 Beirne-Smith,M.(1981,2006). Mental Retardation: An Introduction to Intellectual Disabilities (7 th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson 0 Snell, M ( ). Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities (7 th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson 0 TASH.(2000,March). TASH resolution on the people for whom TASH advocates. Originally retrieved April 22,2010, from
References 0 Turnball,H.R.,Stowe.M.J., & Huerta,N.E. (2007). Free appropriate public education: The law and children with disabilities (7 th ed.). Denver: Love Publishing