Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Network on Early Childhood Education and Care Pre-primary education in Education At a Glance OECD Education Indicators Programme (INES)
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Levels 0 in ISCED 1997 Level 0 = ‘Pre-primary education (initial stage of organized instruction)’ “Programmes designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment, i.e. to provide a bridge between the home and a school- based atmosphere.” Main classification criteria: educational properties of the programme; school or centre based; the minimum age of children (3 years) and the upper age limit. Subsidiary criterion (proxy): pedagogical qualifications of staff.
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Policy developments and increased attention paid to early childhood care and education (ECCE) over the last decade. ECCE provision (age group 0-3) increasingly referring to ‘educational’ goals/objectives. Trend toward a gradual extension of compulsory education at the pre-primary level. Changes in the scope of basic education (gradually extended to cover upper secondary and all or part of pre-primary education) A more integrated view (boundaries between the stages of basic education becoming less evident). Rationale for changes in ISCED 2011
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Levels 0 in ISCED 2011 Early childhood development (children younger than 3 years) and pre-primary education (from age 3 to entry into Level 1). Level 0 = ‘Pre-primary education (initial stage of organized instruction) 2013 : More data should be collected in UOE data collection.
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Expenditure per student by educational institutions in pre-primary education (2006) EAG 2009 : TB1.1 In USD
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Relative proportions of public and private expenditure on educational institutions (2006) % EAG 2009 :TB3.2a
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Students to contact staff (teachers and teachers aides) in pre-primary education(2007) Number EAG 2009 :TD2.2
Network on Early Childhood Education and Care June 2010 Enrolment rates: 4 and under as a percentage of the population aged 3 to 4 EAG 2009 :TC1.1 %