1 Commission Comments Miriam J. Baer, Executive Director March 17, 2014 North Carolina Real Estate Commission Protecting the public interest in real estate transactions. NCREC.gov.
New Commission Members 2 George Bell G. Bell Properties, Winston-Salem Leonard H. “Tony” Craver Craver Real Estate, Durham Anna Gregory Wagoner Blanco Tackabery & Matamoros, Winston-Salem
What can we do for you? 3 Provide you with information on our Web site NCREC.gov Answer your questions by phone Come to your Association or other group to speak and answer questions.
NC Real Estate Commission 4 Your source for real estate information NCREC.GOV Let us know how we can help!
Upcoming Meetings 5 Come watch the Commission work: Wednesday, March 19 Wednesday, April 16 Wednesday, May 21 9:00 a.m. at the Commission’s office 1313 Navaho Drive, Raleigh
Visit Us! Call Us! Follow Us! 6 Questions about courses License status; education credits BIC issues License Law and Rules Confessions Concerns Other
Public vs. Private data Web site improvements Rule changes Outreach 7 Commission Initiatives
8 1. Public vs. Private Licensee Data GS 93A-4 amended: certain personal information is no longer a public record Licensees must have a public physical address or PO Box
Public vs Private Licensee Data 9 Licensees can designate their as: Public – will be shared with anyone who requests it Typically, education providers Could be others Personal / Private – won’t be shared Not even with CE or post-licensing providers Use restricted to Commission communications
AT LICENSEE LOGIN: 10 BAER, MIRIAM J This is what we currently show for your address: This address is PUBLIC PRIVATE SUBMIT
2. Improving E-Communication 11 Web site: ncrec.gov Redesign Fillable forms Working toward electronic form submission General goal: less paper, digital workflow…
Why would I want less paper? Paper is awesome! 12
New Website 13
NCREC.GOV: Dropdown Menus 14
3. Proposed Rule Changes 15 Topics include: BICAR vs BICUP Conflicts of interest RP(OA)DS Summary, draft text on the Web site Comments welcome Public Hearing March 9:00 Final decision in May Effective date July 1
Proposed Rule Changes - NCREC.gov 16
Proposed Rule Change: BICAR 17 Focus group on BICAR improvements Recommendation – combine the BICAR + Update => “BICUP” Applies to BICs and BIC-eligible 4 hours BICs and BICs take a 4-hour elective BICUP + elective satisfies Commission CE Brokers; PBs take the General Update
Proposed Rule Change: Conflict of Interest 18 Rule agency disclosure changes: Prohibit a broker selling own property from representing the buyer Require listing agent to disclose conflict of interest before purchasing own listing and terminate the listing agreement if requested prior to closing.
Proposed Rule Change: RPDS 19
Proposed Rule Change: RPDS Have you been notified by a governmental agency that the property is Is the property to be conveyed in violation of any local zoning ordinances, restrictive covenants, or other land-use restrictions, or building codes (including the failure to obtain proper permits for room additions or other changes/improvements)? Actual knowledge standard remains
Public input 21 Rulemaking comment in writing; Comment at public hearing Task forces; advisory committees Partnering with government and industry: NCAR and Bar Ass’n Forms Committees Brochures in conjunction with AG’s office Summits, conventions, local board meetings Suggestions via , mail, phone
4. Special Outreach Projects 22 Military Visiting NC and Norfolk military bases Members’ rights in rental housing New Q&A brochure High School Planning stage Working with NC Realtors Education to young people on real estate and brokerage
Current Hot Topics 23 Fracking Pocket listings National flood insurance Advertising in the digital age HOA issues
Some Interesting Numbers 24
Distribution of 92,872 Licensees (as of February 28, 2014) 25
Total Licensees Since
Search for E&L Director 28 National search Search firm skilled in education and government sectors Sought expertise in Adult education Real estate, including brokerage Law Technology Interviewed Educators Attorneys Regulators
New Education & Licensing Director Bruce W. Moyer, Ed.S., DREI 29 Bruce joined the Commission as E&L Officer in 2012 Former BIC of his own firm Taught pre- and post-licensing, CE Now responsible for directing statewide: education, examination, and licensing operations.
If something comes up later… …ask Bruce! He’s up next 30 Questions?
31 Miriam J. Baer Executive Director ncrec.gov March 2014