Driving a game engine with Revit in the backseat, on a 3D stereoscopic highway Kirk Bricker GTG Architects
Rules Please Silence your cell phones. If you need to leave please do so quietly. Intro 5 min.
Me Application Specialist 18 years of experience in Construction and Architecture Framed houses, fabricated cabinets & countertops, trimmed houses, installed commercial trim, (HM doors, hardware, Plam) AutoCAD Rel. 14, 1997 Revit Architecture Rel. 4.0,
History of First anaglyph stereoscopy movie was in 1915 by Edwin S Porter First Polarization picture was in 1936 when Edwin H. Land applied this technique. Video: House of Wax 3D – 1953 History – 10 min.
Class Summery First anaglyph stereoscopy movie was in 1915 by Edwin S Porter First Polarization picture was in 1936 when Edwin H. Land applied this technique. Get your glasses on! Video: House of Wax 3D – 1953 History – 10 min.
Anaglyph red/cyan illusion Definition: Wikipedia - the name given to the stereoscopic 3D effect achieved by means of encoding each eye's image using filters of different (usually chromatically opposite) colors, typically red and cyanstereoscopicredcyan Wait a minute, WHAT IS STEREOSCOPIC? Here we go! refers to a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by presenting two offset images separately to the left and right eye of the viewerillusion of depth
Possible color schemes; Patents and egos made filter colours rather confusing.
RGB, red, green, blue. But what is Red/Cyan The red color is well, 255,0,0, and Cyan is 0,255,255
Other types of illusions? Polarized? Wiki; create the illusion of three-dimensional images by restricting the light that reaches each eye, an example of stereoscopy which exploits the polarization of lighteyestereoscopypolarization Passive requires that each eye sees only half the pixels on screen, the picture's resolution is effectively halved shutter glasses (active) enables rich stereoscopy without reducing the number of pixels and lights, but gets people sick! 2 types 1) Passive = No movement in the left and right lenses, the orientation of the oscillation of the light waves. 2) Active = Movement in the lenses (opening and closing) for the left and right in synchronization with the picture.
viewing without glasses The holy Grail is 3D viewing without glasses Recently Toshiba has launched a 3D TV without the need for glasses. Then we have 3D Holographic TV Technology or 3D Hologram TV They say in another 10 years it should be available widely.
How is Anaglyph created? A few ways. –1 take a photo of a object then move the camera over 3” and take the same picture. 3” is about the distance between our eyes. –2 Mount cameras side by side shooting video or pictures, GoPro HD example.
Well Gosh….Revit has cameras! Why not create 2 cameras in Revit 3” apart and shoot them at a object? Place the subject/object in a setting with a lot of angles and depth (not in front of a flat wall), and about 10 to 15 feet from the camera. Make sure your subject stays very still, yep Revit will stay still. Live demo 10 min.
Revit 2013 CADstudio demo Add on - Revit tool creates a 3D Anaglyph from a 3D view Has some limitations, but pretty cool. CADstudio Anaglyph Lab Demo 10 Min.
Game Engine stereoscopic ? What is it? In a nut shell, it’s a rendering engine. With lots of added bells and whistles to enhance the user experience. 2D or 3D graphics Physics engine Collision detection Sound Scripting – Java, C#, C++ Animations Artificial Intelligent Networking Memory management Shaders
Unity3D First off we need to get the Revit model into a collada file or a.fbx.fbx export is not separating the.fbm file Revit 2011? which is the material info, BAD! Use a Collada.dea exporter from an add-in from Unity has a live data base Import, meaning as soon as you paste a file into the folder structure it loads into Unity3D even when running Unity3D.
Unity3D LAB start – 30min.
Questions? Kirk Bricker, Johnston, Iowa