S. Kathleen Kitao Doshisha Women’s College Kenji Kitao Doshisha University
General resources Web pages with many lists of links, exercises, etc.
Compleat Lexical Tutor Wide variety of resources for students, researchers, and teachers Tests for students’ vocabulary level Printed out Online Word lists “Grouplex”
Vocabulary Teaching Ideas for ESL Teachers ml ml Links to ideas for teaching vocabulary Exercises confusing words topical vocabulary lists suggestions for vocabulary word “maps” and vocabulary notebooks vocabulary games
Vocabulary.com List of links for vocabulary web sites
Lesson Plans, Worksheets, and Teaching Ideas Can be used directly or adapted to particular situations Worksheets can be used in class or as homework assignments Generally organized by content area or part of speech Interactive exercises can be used in computer lab or assigned as homework
ESL Tower l l Printable worksheets, organized by part of speech, content area, affix, etc.
Idioms List of links to resources related to idioms and teaching idioms Dictionaries of idioms and slang Exercises Topical lists of idioms
ESL Teacher Lesson Plans & Worksheets plans/ plans/ More than 150 lesson plans and worksheets
Vocabulary Games and Puzzles Pre-made activities that can be used as they are Puzzles or games customized for a particular class Can be useful in introducing or reinforcing vocabulary a warm-up activity a pre-reading or pre-listening activity to introduce the vocabulary in a passage as a review of vocabulary already covered
Learning Vocabulary Fun * wide variety of vocabulary related games word search crossword puzzles word matching games unscrambling words
Free Online Puzzle Maker (demo) Can be used to make crossword puzzles or word search puzzles
ESL Galaxy * Large number of puzzles, games, and worksheets at different levels Board games Crossword Puzzles Vocabulary Worksheets
Vocabulary Learning Strategies Important not just to teach specific vocabulary words but to teach how to learn.
English Vocabulary Learning Advice Sheets htm htm Advice about learning vocabulary How to choose words to learn Organizing your vocabulary learning Remembering vocabulary Learning parts of words Evaluating progress Learning phrases or idioms
Word Lists and Word Frequency Resources Useful for helping teachers find out what words students might not know Academic Word List, lists of irregular verbs, etc., helps teacher figure out what which words to teach
JACET 8000 Word List (demo) JACET 8000 Level Marker V8an – Revised web edition ip.or.jp/~shim/j8web/j8web.cgihttp:// ip.or.jp/~shim/j8web/j8web.cgi
Academic Vocabulary (demo) A corpus-based list of words used in academic writing, divided into levels Highlighter Gapmaker Advice about teaching and learning
Teaching Collocations Learning vocabulary involves not only learning individual words but learning the words that they should go with. “strong coffee” rather than “thick coffee”
Collocations vocabulary.html#colls vocabulary.html#colls Matching exercises, gap fill exercises, etc., for learning collocations
Vocabulary Notebooks Notebooks in which students record words they are learning and information about them for ease of review and reference
Word Surfing Notebook NG-VOCABULARY-NOTEBOOK.pdf NG-VOCABULARY-NOTEBOOK.pdf Printable pages for a vocabulary notebook with suggestions for how to use it
Flashcards Can be used by students to work individually on learning vocabulary words
Free Printables for Teachers—Flashcards
Interactive Activities Activities done online, with responses provided
English Vocabulary Games with Pictures Games for learning names of animals, food, household items, clothing, etc.
Academic Vocabulary Quizzes iz.html iz.html Different types of exercises that help students learn words from a list of academic vocabulary
Word Engine Identifies student’s vocabulary level and provides individualized practice Based on staggered repetition Fee depending on course
Online learner’s dictionaries
Cambridge Dictionaries Online Longman English Dictionary Online
The End S. Kathleen Kitao Kenji Kitao