ESCM Chapter 7 Martin Howley
Outline Background What is a ‘good indicator’ Use of Indicators –Monitoring –Evaluation –Planning –Improving forecasts –International comparison
Outline Categories of Indicators Types of Indicators –Econometric –Physical –Efficiency –Indirect –Climate corrected Data sources – overview
Outline Social Dimension Energy Indicators –Energy per capita –Energy use as a function of income –Access to electricity –Affordability – share of income spent on energy Economic Dimension Energy Indicators –Energy use per GDP (constant prices) –Energy use per production value (constant prices) –Sectoral energy indicators
Outline Environmental Dimension Energy Indicators –Energy CO 2 per capita –CO 2 intensity of elecrticity –Energy emission per household –CO 2 emissions of cars Energy Efficiency versus Energy Intensity
Comments Overall scheme of chapter well received with some suggested changes Need for country examples on selected indicators Suggested section on seasonal and temperature adjustments Text on importance of energy statistics for GHG emissions
Comments Mention efficiency v intensity earlier where indicator examples are presented Text and typo changes to improve readability Suggested improvements to the indicator template Provide a methodological sheet to highlight importance, usefulness, algorithm and possible interpretation
Example Methodological Sheet
Additional chapter input Country indicator examples using template Methodological sheets Household indicators sections requires additional text Other suggestion?
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland is partly financed by Ireland’s EU Structural Funds Programme co- funded by the Irish Government and the European Union. ESCM Chapter 7 Thank you