Calculating driving distance between two places Google Maps API Calculating driving distance between two places
Google Distance Matrix API
Google Maps Directions
Google Distance Matrix API ?origins=Halifax+NS&destinations=Sydney+NS&mode=driving&sensor=false
API returns XML … How to get values into SAS? <DistanceMatrixResponse> <status>OK</status> <origin_address>Halifax, NS, Canada</origin_address> <destination_address>Truro, NS Canada</destination_address> <row> <element> <duration> <value>4167</value> <text>1 hour 9 mins</text> </duration> <distance> <value>94230</value> /* metres */ <text>94.2 km</text> </distance> </element> </row> </DistanceMatrixResponse>
Ingredients filename url “http:// …” infile recfm=s /* read as stream */ Regular expressions to process XML prxparse prxmatch prxposn
%macro gmapsdist (ORIG, DEST); %let URL = str(http://maps. googleapis %macro gmapsdist (ORIG, DEST); %let URL = str( ?origins=)&ORIG. %nrstr(&destinations=)&DEST. %nrstr(&mode=driving&sensor=false); filename gmaps url "&URL"; data _null_; /* Regular expression pattern to match XML tags and pull out distance value */ regex = prxparse("/\<distance>\s*\<value>(\d+)\<\/value>/"); infile gmaps recfm=s lrecl=32767; input; if prxmatch(regex, _infile_) then distance = prxposn(regex, 1, _infile_); put distance; run; %mend gmapsdist;
Resources Driving Distances and Times, Using SAS® and Google Maps, Mike Zdeb University at Albany, School of Public Health Paper 043-29 An Introduction to Regular Expressions with Examples from Clinical Data, Richard Pless, Ovation Research Group, Highland Park, IL Paper 119-29 Reading and Writing XML files from SAS®, Miriam Cisternas, Ovation Research Group, Carlsbad, CA Ricardo Cisternas, MGC Data Services, Carlsbad, CA Paper 121-2012,Accessing and Extracting Data from the Internet Using SASR, George Zhu, Sunita Ghosh, Alberta Health Services - Cancer Care