Where are the cities??
Urban Land Use Land use patterns in cities do not develop by chance. They are affected by decisions people make based upon their work, their type of home and what they have to spend their money on.
Urban Sprawl - Florida
Tokyo Japan - Sprawl
Worlds’ Tallest Structures
Worlds’ Tallest Buildings
Skyscraper under construction in Dubai Soon to not be the world’s tallest building.
Burj Khalifa, Dubai, U.A.E.
Worlds’ Tallest Structures, revised
Worlds’ Tallest Structures, revised (again)
The Kingdom Tower, Jedda, Saudi Arabia
Freedom Tower World Trade Center New York, U.S.A.
Kibera Slum, Nairobi from the air.
Toronto Canada
Do you recognize this place?
Types of Land Use All land use in an urban place can be classified into one of five major groups: industrial, residential, commercial, transportation, and other
Industrial important land use for cities jobs taxes about 11% of all urban land grouped according to type of industry and nature of transportation used
Modern Industrial Park, China Notice the lack of smokestacks and visible pollution
large industries are often next to bodies of water for cheap transportation or to use in processing steel mills, oil refineries, cement plants also because of noise, smells and pollution located away from residential areas
older factories were also built near railways so raw materials and finished goods could be transported also they were close to residential areas so workers could walk most are now obsolete and have been torn down
modern industrial areas are located away from residential areas in “industrial parks”, with special services provided located close to highways for truck transportation
Residential all places where people live from single family homes to huge apartment towers 40% of developed land in many cities “residential density” is an important characteristic
Malibu California
New Urbanism
Slums known as ‘Favelas’ in South America
low density: detached houses on relatively large lots medium density: 20 to 80 units per hectare - low rise apartment buildings and town houses high density: more than 80 units per hectare - high rise apartment buildings
Medium Density: Townhouse / Condominiums
The Projects – New York City
two factors affect density of residential housing: the first factor is land value cheaper land on the outskirts of the city results in low density housing - more single family dwellings the suburbs
downtown and on major transportation routes leads to higher land values and therefore high density housing (because they generate enough money to pay for the land costs) eg., Harbourfront
the other factor is the age of the neighbourhood neighbourhoods before 1930 tend to have higher densities because people walked or took streetcars, driveways or wide streets for cars were not necessary this led to narrow lots and compact neighbourhoods
Working Class Neighbourhood: Queens, New York City
Commercial only 5% of land for retailing, wholesaling, offices, and services really important to the economy two types: ribbons and centres
ribbons are along transportation routes centres have stores in a cluster, around a parking lot often, and also near a major transportation route
A typical strip mall. Quick convenient. Automobile based clientele.
commercial centres can be grouped in five different categories: convenience, neighbourhood, community, regional and CBD, or central business district at each level more choice of services and products are offered see description on pages 251-252
Decline of the CBD most important factor for many towns and cities shopping centres and offices in suburbs draw shoppers and tenants away
Why? downtown buildings old and out of date the CBD hard to reach by car: roads clogged; parking expensive and hard to find rents cheaper in suburbs and therefore products/services too
It is the heart of a city. CBD is working hard to improve itself, for example CN tower, Skydome, Air Canada Centre, Yonge and Dundas - Bring the people back downtown. Page 254 has a good description.
Transportation nearly 25% of urban land for roads, highways railroads and electricity transmission corridors roadways grouped into three categories based upon size
expressways: large volumes of traffic long distances quickly; limited access (interchanges) arterial roads: moderate volumes, shorter distances; link local roads to expressways commercial ribbons develop along arterial roads
local roads are smaller and carry smaller volumes of people between peoples’ homes and arterial roads local roads tend to be either on a grid or a garden pattern (see Fig. 21-5, page 251) other transportation land uses: parking lots and airports
Other land uses institutional: schools, hospitals, governments, places of worship vacant: unused land, either previously or never used open space: developed parks, playgrounds, golf courses, cemeteries
Factors Affecting Land Use Patterns Four factors affect urban land use patterns: land value, zoning, technology, and climate.
Land Value generally land values are highest in most accessible areas eg., CBD, along major transportation routes, especially intersections
land uses that produce the highest income per unit of land occupy the most expensive land ie., tall office buildings and high density housing Yonge at major crossroads like St. Clair, Eglinton, Sheppard - all with tall buildings
Zoning governments (mainly municipal) pass laws which restricts the land use in certain areas in order to avoid conflicts See Fig. 21-12 on Page 258 for a zoning map.
Technology land use reflects the technology that existed when the land was developed eg., residential patterns in cities before the Depression and after WWII
since WWII near universal ownership and use of car has changed the face of urban areas built since then: wider arterial roads; shopping and work areas with own parking; truck transport and the rise of the expressway
Climate Inside and Outside environment Winter-city concept Today urban planners are taking into account cold temperatures, wind, ice, snow, and long winters. Inside and Outside environment Winter-city concept Indoor shopping malls Bus shelters, sidewalk barriers etc.
The Blue Print for “Path” The Blue Print for “Path”. Connecting Toronto’s Underground Shopping, Businesses and Services – over 27 kms long blogbeneath.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/tun.jpg