D EVELOPING YOUR E VALUATION T OOLKIT Focus on Learning 2013 Paula Buskard and Sandy Odrowski
A GENDA Session Outcomes Overview of what/why we evaluate Aligning evaluation methods to outcomes Evaluation Planning After the Evaluation: Debriefing Q & A
S ESSION O UTCOMES By the end of this session the participant will have the ability to: Select suitable evaluation tools that are learner– centred and align to learning outcomes Identify best practice assessment tools that prepare the instructor for writing great evaluations. Identify ways to prepare the learner for evaluation. Discuss ways to conduct effective post test debriefing for both learner and instructor.
P LACE MAT A CTIVITY Each member will takes a square/triangle and individually writes 3 questions/concerns they have about evaluation.
F ORMATIVE diagnostic tool (Where are learners at? What have they got so far? Do I need to go over something again?) help learners take stock of and assess their own progress towards learning goals
S UMMATIVE : assess a learners achievement of meeting the learning outcomes determine grades
A N A NALOGY OF L EARNING... 9 Formative Summative
S OMETHING TO THINK ABOUT What is Needed to know (Learning Outcome) What is Nice to know (Filler)
W HAT TO EVALUATE ? The Course Learning Outcomes describe clearly what learners will know and be able to do at the end of the course. They are performance-based and results oriented.
S NOWBALL E XERCISE Each group move to a posted Learning Outcome Take 2 minutes (I will call time) to identify evaluation methods that could be used to measure learning. When time is called, move to the next Learning Outcome and repeat. Once each group has had the opportunity to identify evaluation methods for each Learning Outcome let us know. Share in large group.
W HAT DID YOU LEARN TODAY Working with a partner, fill in the Handout labeled Evaluation Strategy Matching Exercise.
E VALUATION M ETHODS A DVANTAGES AND C ONCERNS In your group: Take a moment to discuss the Advantages and Concerns regarding the evaluation method listed on the flip chart paper at your table. Record your findings and be prepared to discuss with the larger group
T HE GOODS “Will this be on the test?” “What do I really have to know?” “How do I answer this question?” “Why did I get this question wrong?”
What do you want your learners to know?
F OUR P OINTS TO C ONSIDER : 1 – Measure what is most important rather than what is easiest to measure 2 - Be aware of the learning embedded in evaluation 3 – Understand the evaluator’s power 4 – Take care not to reduce the curriculum to only what is evaluated
G UIDELINES FOR PLANNING Start early (holidays, sequence, scaffolding) Determine the number of items and time limitations Construct the question- make sure that it measures learning and is linked to content objectives/outcomes Edit the questions for errors in spelling, sentence structure, etc.
G UIDELINES FOR PLANNING C ONT ’ D … Group the questions according to type and topic (make easier ones first) Write directions (include marking scheme) Have the answers “ready” for post test debrief Review
H OW TO WRITE A GOOD E VALUATION Learner-Centered and Authentic Assessment ChecklistLearner-Centered and Authentic Assessment Checklist Developing Good Test Questions Developing Good Test Questions
T HE G OLDEN CHAIN ? Develop a business plan for a small non profit organization. Lecture and homework: practice multiple choice questions from the text Evaluation: Final Exam: multiple choice. Course Learning Outcome Learning and practice methods Evaluation Method
T HE G OLDEN CHAIN ? Develop a business plan for a small non profit organization. Lecture: types of business and parts of a business plan/. Case studies Student develop a business plan for a mock or real non profit organization Course Learning Outcome Learning and practice methods Evaluation Method
T EACHER D EBRIEF Exercise: In your small groups answer these 2 questions: What could teachers consider after a test? What could teachers do to help their learners after a test?
T EACHER D EBRIEF : CLEAN UP Did my learners understand what was asked on the test? Were there questions that the learners missed that were the fault of the teaching? How will I remedy this? Do the results indicate that the learners were prepared for the evaluation?
T EACHER D EBRIEF : CLEAN UP C ONT ’ D If I use this procedure again, what changes will I make? What other methods of evaluation might be more appropriate? Is this an evaluation that must be returned? Is there evidence of academic dishonesty? If so, what can I do about it (this time and in the future?)
L EARNERS D EBRIEF Quickly go over the test and provide the correct answers to all of the questions. Discuss the outstanding questions – those that most students answered well, those that some may have got stuck on, etc. Open the floor for focused discussions (learning opportunity). After a reasonable time is spent on a class discussion, invite students to make appointments with you to discuss individual concerns. 24 hour rule
E VALUATION WORKS BEST WHEN … Provide clear, objective assignment guidelines Provide samples, if possible, of desired product Provide a marking rubric showing where the marks will come from Tie evaluation strategy directly to the learning outcome being measured Domain/level
D O YOU W ANT TO L EARN M ORE ? Durham College Assessment Using Technology Durham College Assessment Using Technology Eastern Region ABC program Excellent Evaluation Resources Eastern Region ABC program Excellent Evaluation Resources Developing Good Test Questions Developing Good Test Questions
D O YOU WANT TO L EARN M ORE ? Andrus, C and Bloor, D (2005) Teaching tools Gross-Davis, B. (2001). Tools for teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Fenwick T. and Parsons, J. (2000). The art of evaluation: A handbook for educators and trainers. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing objectives.pdf objectives.pdf