Optimum Solutions Corporation All the Right Answers
of Full Service Scoring Full Service Scoring is designed to eliminate time lost in the classroom, eliminate the administrative tasks associated with a scoring effort, and to save you money. Your test booklets are dropped off and logged in at a central site. The constructed responses are scored by a vendor. The scores are transmitted by vendor to the local RIC or BOCES for merging with the scanned multiple choice answers. Your tests booklets are returned to you.
Responsibilities of RICs & Districts Print barcodes with district & student ID information. Programming & Formatting is available from ESBOCES Before test administration, barcodes are affixed to books 3 & 4 for ELA, book 3 for Math, in designated area. Package and deliver test booklets and answer sheets to a centralized location at a scheduled date & time after administration. You will be provided with a set of packaging instructions and box labels. A district representative remains at the drop-off location until all boxes and tests have been verified and counted.
Tracking of Test Booklets A unique barcoded Box Label is placed on each box identifying the district, school and grade contents of the box. Test Booklets are verified for packaging completeness: barcodes are affixed to all tests, scribes, foreign languages, etc. are packaged correctly. Test booklets are counted and counts are checked against the counts listed on the box label (provided by OSC) affixed to the top of each box. Boxes are sealed and designated for delivery. Upon delivery to the scanning site, each box is designated as being received. Each test’s barcode is then wanded into a database and made available for review on the Barcode Check-In Audit website.Barcode Check-In Audit
Tracking of Test Booklets Test Booklets that cannot be scanned (braille, large print, etc.) are moved to another box to facilitate hand scoring. Test booklets are then prepared for scanning: Each test booklet is cut Groups of test booklets are jogged to remove erasures or other foreign materials At all times, booklets from a single box remain together in that box. Student IDs recorded in the tracking database are compared to the IDs captured during scanning. All IDs are reconciled and accounted for before scoring commences.
Examples of box labels Box Labels created at Check-in are affixed to every box The barcode allows us to quickly identify a box’s contents (district, school, grades, counts) and status
Holistic Scoring Support OSC provides: Fully vetted staff of NYS certified teachers meeting all NYSED scoring requirements. Extensive training prior to scoring to ensure that all scorers are comfortable with the scoring rubric and scoring process. Materials and staff at the scoring site to train, advise and support scorers. Training staff is shared with ESBOCES Regional Scoring staff
Verification Read behinds conducted electronically at adjustable percentage levels by Content Specialists ensure the validity, accuracy and reliability of the scoring process.
Supervision The speed and frequency distribution of scoring is monitored in real time throughout the scoring process by Lead Content Trainers and the Site Manager. Any problems that may occur are addressed immediately. Scorers who require additional training or support are spotted quickly. Workflow can be redirected when necessary.
Technical Support On-site technical support is provided throughout the process to ensure that: The system is working efficiently. The workflow is directed properly. All scorers are comfortable with every aspect of electronic scoring.
Other Educational Assessment Solutions from OSC GradeIT™ for tests, quizzes or SLOs Regents Scanning Solution (RSS) Practice Exams scored and item analysis provided
For more information about the EASE™ suits of scoring solutions from OSC: Call Michel Richez – Ext. 106 Or visit our website at