Raising Aspiration and Achievement Warden Hill Junior School PSHE/SEAL Project March 2013 Created by Mrs L Bithrey
Working Agreement We will respect each others right to hold a different opinion to ours We will join in the session where we can We will embrace diversity within the group We will be mindful of the confidential nature of some of our discussions Please don’t feel patronized – we are all learning! We will enjoy the next hour!
Activity 1 – Our friends Think of someone you went to school with or you have known for a long time who you consider to be successful in life What can you tell us about them?
Activity 2 – Our children Imagine your child in 20 years time What do you want them to be like? What do you want them to be doing? What might stop them from getting there? What might we do to help them get there?
Our children We need to teach children how to be successful, we need to give them the skills. This is what we know in school as SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
Parents Recent studies show that the role of parents in helping their child to learn the skills required to achieve success in life is enormously significant You are the most influential adult(s) in your child's life There is quite a lot you can do…….
The PSHE/SEAL Project Runs over six weeks Based around a film for each year group Focus on four Core skills: attributes of an effective learner motivation perseverance resilience
Academic attainment/Levels If a child comes up from Key Stage 1 as a Level 2 the expectation will be that they are level 4 at the end of Key Stage 2 If a child comes up from Key Stage 1 as a Level 3 the expectation will be that they are level 5 at the end of Key Stage 2 Some of our children achieve level 6
In School Feel safe Feel welcome and that they belong Feel valued and important to others Have a sense of personal power Feel able to make a contribution
Feeling Safe The most important thing for a child is that they feel safe, secure and loved
Positive Hi’s and Bye’s It is important children know we are pleased to see them and will miss them/think about them when they are not with us
Do rather than don’t Say do rather than don’t ……… “Get off the grass” better to say…… “Could you walk on the path, please……” “Don’t forget your PE kit” better to say…… “Could you remember to bring your PE kit home, please……”
Praise, Praise, Praise Increase the number of times you say positive things to your child Say six positive things to one negative……avoid the temptation to add “why can’t you always do it like that!” Marking work……3 stars and a wish……
Responsibility Your child needs to feel that they are making a contribution, that they are part of the overall team and that their contribution is important and valuable
Building resilience Help them to believe they can do it Break down the task into achievable steps Praise and encourage them Believe in them Take the fear out of failure…it is how we learn Talk to them about what it will feel like when they are successful Reward them – stickers/stars/treats…… Celebrate with them!
Summary Our children need to feel safe, secure and loved Our children need to feel they can make a contribution and it will be valued Our children need lots of praise Our children need the emphasis on what we want them to do Our children need help to become resilient learners