Julius Caesar Act 5
Question #1 What is Brutus’s battle strategy? He wants his troops to move down from the hills of Sardis to the plains of Philippi where Antony’s men are located.
Question #2 How do Octavius and Antony feel when they discover Brutus’s battle strategy? They are pleased and think Brutus has made a mistake.
Question #3 What do Antony, Octavius, Brutus, and Cassius talk about when they meet before the battle? They insult each other and belittle each other.
Question #4 How does Cassius interpret the eagle flying off and other birds replacing them? He interprets this as a bad sign and is fearful for his army.
Question #5 How did Pindarus misinterpret what happened to Titinius? Pindarus reported to Cassius that Titinius had been captured.
Question #6 What was Cassius’s response to what Pindarus reportedly saw? He feels responsible for Titinius being captured and commits suicide.
Question #7 Who does Lucilius pretend to be when he is captured? Brutus
Question #8 What request does Brutus make of Clitus? He asks that he assist in Brutus’s suicide.
Question #9 How does Brutus die? He runs upon his sword while Strato holds it.
Question #10 To whom is Antony referring when he says, “He was the noblest Roman of them all.” Brutus
Question #11 Before the battle begins in Philippi, what is Antony and Octavius’s opinion of the enemy army? They are confident of victory. They are aware of the opposing forces’ weaknesses. They believe Brutus and Cassius have made a mistake in coming to Philippi.
Question #12 What three birds replace the eagles that previously accompanied Cassius’s army? Ravens Crows Kites
Question #13 According to Cassius, what is the significance of these new birds? The ravens, crows, and kites are representing evil, darkness, and death.
Question #14 In scene 5, why does Brutus want to die now? Brutus is full of grief at the loss of so many men and of total defeat. He prefers to choose the time of his death than wait to be killed by his enemies. He does not want to be paraded through the streets and ridiculed.
Question #15 Explain what Antony says about Brutus after his death. Antony praises Brutus as “the noblest Roman of them all.” He is the only conspirator who acted for the good of Rome.
Question #16A Who is the tragic hero of the play? Brutus What is his tragic flaw? His lack of judgment.
Question #16B What are some of the examples from the play where this flaw leads to critical mistakes? He believes Cassius and joins the conspiracy. He does not allow Antony to be killed with Caesar.
Question #16B He allows Antony to speak at Caesar’s funeral. He leaves the funeral before Antony speaks. He leaves the high ground of Sardis for the plains at Philippi.