Art in Spain 18 th Century Unit 5 Objective: I.Identify the kinds of paintings preferred in Spain and offer reasons to explain their popularity. II.Explain the Spanish Inquisition III.Goya’s technique Bell Ringer (Vocabulary) Propaganda The Black Paintings Bell Ringer Review: What was the color theory of Reynolds and how did Gainsborough disprove it?
Art in Spain 18 th Century Unit 5 Essential Questions 1) What style of painting did Goya begin his career painting in? 2) Who did Goya paint for at the start of his career? 3) What caused Goya to become dissatisfied with the Spanish court and the Church of Spain? 4) Why did Goya paint The Third of May 1808? 5) Explain in detail the use of symbolism found in the painting. 6) What type of paintings did Goya create latter in life? 7) Give an example of one of Goya’s late works and explain how it is different? 8) Why do many consider Goya to be the first of the truly modern artists?
Art in Spain 18 th Century Unit 5 Goya, The Third of May 1808, 1814, oil on canvas Whole Class 1)What are at least three uses of symbolism? 2)What type of balance is being used? 3)Where is the emphasis? 4)How does Goya create contrast? (explain)
Art in Spain 18 th Century Unit 5 Goya, Saturn Devouring his Son, , oil on canvas/oil on wall Table Groups 1)How does this painting break from traditional painting? 2)What series of paintings do you believe it is from? 3)Where is the negative space? 4)How does Goya create contrast? (explain) Additional Notes
Art in Spain 18 th Century Unit 5 Goya, The Giant, 1818, burnished aquatint Table Groups 1)How does this painting break from traditional art? 2)What does the Giant symbolize? 3)How is value being used? (explain) 4)How does Goya create contrast? (explain)
Art in Spain 18 th Century Unit 5 Critical Thinking Question A. The Spanish artist Goya represents a bridge between the art of the past and the art of the present. By using his visions and dreams as subject matter, Goya rejected tradition and opened the door for later artists to create their own personal visions. B. Carefully study The Third of May 1808 (page 457). Compare this work with a much earlier Renaissance work, The Battle of San Romano (page 361) by Uccello. I.How do the two works differ? II.How are they similar? III.Which artist was more concerned with realism?