September 19 Journal: In the future, people will study our society as we will begin studying the Puritans’. What do you think they will identify as our 3 chief values? why?
PURITANISM and AMERICA Strict Form of PROTESTANT CHRISTIANITY; religion rules all Brutally persecuted by the British because they wanted to “purify” the Church of England
RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION? Unfortunately, the Puritans aren’t heroes of religious freedom… They escaped the Church of England’s persecution, but set up a system that persecuted non-Puritans There was no option to NOT be Puritan … obey or be punished! “Do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also … Love your enemies.” –Jesus, Gospel of Matthew
The Puritan Theocracy The Puritans landed @ Plymouth Rock They founded a theocratic planter colony Theocracy: government based on religion (No Separation of Church and State) They believed this theocratic colony would be like a “Shining City on a Hill” to other nations in its extreme Holiness
The 3 Major Puritan Values Simplicity – Fancy stuff is the Devil’s work! Grace – God is in control. He’s already decided. So open your Heart to Him and Accept. Divine Mission – We, the Puritans, are God’s chosen, and He wants us to create a “Holy Place” in America (It’s all about God, God, God.)
Contemporary American Values? C.R.E.A.M. MTV Cribs: Mariah Carey
The First “American” Poet: ANNE BRADSTREET -First “American” Poet -Puritan fanatic -Simple, “plain” style -Big Influence: God -2 poems: “Upon the Burning of Our House” “To my Dear and Loving Husband”
“Upon the Burning of Our House” Read the poem with a partner and answer the following questions together: “Upon the Burning of Our House” insists that worldly goods should not be loved too intensely, for they perish or must be given up. Where in the poem does Bradstreet remind herself not to have too much affection for earthly things? What does Bradstreet refer to in lines 43-47 when she speaks of a “house on high”? How does her awareness of this “house” help console her for her loss of the first house?
“To my Dear and Loving Husband” Published 1678; expresses Puritan values If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; If ever wife was happy in a man, Compare with me ye women if you can. I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, Nor ought but love from thee give recompense. Thy love is such I can no way repay; The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. Then while we live, in love let's so persevere, That when we live no more we may live ever.
Answer in your notebook: Anne Bradstreet’s poems deal with two important Puritan themes: domestic life and God. “To My Dear and Loving Husband” concerns a happy marriage. It describes the greatness of the poet’s love for her husband and of his love for her. Through what details does Bradstreet suggest the intensity of their love and the fact that the love is mutual? How does this fit in today?
How is Bradstreet’s view of a woman’s role different from modern ideas like the WWII era- “Rosie the Riveter?”
William Bradford (1590-1657): Joined the Puritans at a young age Mayflower: the ship that brought them across His wife “fell” overboard … it was more likely suicide (hard journey) Became governor of the colony at Plymouth Rock Wrote their stories in his journals, later published: “Of Plymouth Plantation”
Alternately accepted help from and fought against the Native Americans William Bradford Strongly believed that America could be God’s Holy Land Alternately accepted help from and fought against the Native Americans Ended his life disappointed that Puritanism was dying out
September 21 Journal: William Bradford wrote “Of Plymouth Plantation” to inform Europeans about his journey and life in the new world. Write about a time you moved or took a trip. Describe the journey and what it was like when you arrived. Were you surprised by what you found when you got there?
Journal 9/25 Worry is one thing. But what about fear? What’s your biggest fear? Psychologists tell us that, perhaps because of television reports, fear of being kidnapped is prominent in kids’ minds. (The reality is that you have a very small chance of ever being kidnapped. But just because it probably won’t happen doesn’t mean kids aren’t afraid, does it?) Students themselves sometimes report that they fear failure, being alone for a long time, or being abandoned. Every person has a few big fears, but what is your “number one”? Write about it, and, if you can, think about and write about why you’re afraid of that thing, and where you think your fear might have come from.
Jonathan Edwards Age 17, experienced “Grace”; became preacher Great Awakening: religious revival, 1735-1742 Displeased many churchgoers w/scary sermons Most famous: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” … won many converts
Edwards’s Persuasive Strategies Fear (Scary Imagery = Hell, God’s Wrath) Repetition (Emphasizes words like YOU, HELL) Bandwagon (Peer Pressure: Join us!) Card Stacking (Focus on the positives ) “Limited Time Offer” / “Act Now!” (Creates a feeling of urgency in the crowd)
September 28 Journal: Think of your favorite commercial or product. What do you like about the commercial or the product? What persuaded you to buy it? Have you ever seen a misleading commercial? (Ask Ms. Krug about this one )