Gordon Clark Thessaloniki, 15 October 2007 Learning Outcomes in European Lifelong Learning Policy.


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Presentation transcript:

Gordon Clark Thessaloniki, 15 October 2007 Learning Outcomes in European Lifelong Learning Policy

2 LLL and learning outcomes (LO’s)  Pre-Lisbon + Lisbon2000  LLL communication2001  Copenhagen process2002  Education & Training  Lisbon guidelines2005  Research + Studies2005  EQF recommendation2006  National reporting2007  New skills for new jobs2007

3  1985 Decision on VET qualifications: - system for transnational comparability - matching qualifications with occupational job descriptions  1996 Conclusions on LLL strategy : - evolution of knowledge and skills, new qualifications needed for future - LLL is evolving concept Where do we come from?

4 Lisbon conclusions 2000  Every citizen equipped with skills needed for information msociety  E&T systems must adapt to demands of knowledge society  Increased transparency of qualifications  European CV for assessment of « knowledge » acquired  Reduction of skills gaps Where do we come from?

5 Comprehensive new approach to Valuing Learning (qualifications and competences) « mutual » recognition of formal qualifications based on aaatransparency and mutual trust involvement of providers, employers + SP international, national, sectoral, enterprises new EU portfolio to present qualifications and competences LLL Communication, 2001

6  To promote mutual trust, transparency and recognition q,of competences and qualifications  Europass,  reference levels,  sectoral competences,  non-formal and informal learning Copenhagen process for VET, 2002

7 EQF as common reference for recognition of qualifications Diversity accross Europe: learning outcomes and competences ccimportant references levels for description of qualifications National frameworks Maastricht (December 2004) National reforms increasing relevance of VET Development of EQF - based mainly on competences and learning outcomes - development of competence-based solutions for sectors Education & Training 2010 Joint Report (Feb. 2004)

8 CEDEFOP/QCA study on credit transfer and reference levels based ccon learning outcomes EQF consultation document (2005) - 8 reference levels based on 3 types of learning outcomes: vv,,knowledge, skills and competence - Meta framework with « neutral » learning outcomes (not ccc,including details of specific national qualifications) - Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner knows, cc ccc,understands and is able to do Responses emphasised need for NQFs based on learning outcomes Development of EQF ( )

9 Lisbon guidelines for Growth and Jobs ( ) N° 24 « Adapt E&T systems by responding to new occupational needs, key competences and future skill requirements by improving the definition and transparency of qualifications, their effective recognition and the validation of non-formal and informal learning. »

10  Neutral reference point  Shift in way E&T is understood  Common language enabling comparison of qualifications ccaccording to content & not methods of delivery  Facilitates validation of non formal & informal learning  Recommends that Member States - relate qualifications levels by use learning outcomes approach when defining cccqualifications Learning Outcomes in EQF recommendation (2006)

11 National E&T 2010 reporting, 2007  20 countries developing - NQF’s with a focus on learning outcomes - validation of non formal and informal learning  Some describe all qualifications in LO’s, other partially or x,progressively (e.g. VET)  Differing definitions (e.g. competence-based qualifications)  Significant movement towards LO’s in school systems and c,HE and VET qualifications  Challenge for national EQF alignment without LO’s

12 The way forward Evolution from implicit to explicit awareness of LO’s Peer learning on LO’s JR 08 will emphasise: - implementation of LLL - relevance of VET to labour market needs - raising skill levels - innovation and creativity This requires integration of LO’s into all levels of E&T,systems and qualifications Presidency resolution on « New skills for new jobs »