Gordon Clark Thessaloniki, 15 October 2007 Learning Outcomes in European Lifelong Learning Policy
2 LLL and learning outcomes (LO’s) Pre-Lisbon + Lisbon2000 LLL communication2001 Copenhagen process2002 Education & Training Lisbon guidelines2005 Research + Studies2005 EQF recommendation2006 National reporting2007 New skills for new jobs2007
3 1985 Decision on VET qualifications: - system for transnational comparability - matching qualifications with occupational job descriptions 1996 Conclusions on LLL strategy : - evolution of knowledge and skills, new qualifications needed for future - LLL is evolving concept Where do we come from?
4 Lisbon conclusions 2000 Every citizen equipped with skills needed for information msociety E&T systems must adapt to demands of knowledge society Increased transparency of qualifications European CV for assessment of « knowledge » acquired Reduction of skills gaps Where do we come from?
5 Comprehensive new approach to Valuing Learning (qualifications and competences) « mutual » recognition of formal qualifications based on aaatransparency and mutual trust involvement of providers, employers + SP international, national, sectoral, enterprises new EU portfolio to present qualifications and competences LLL Communication, 2001
6 To promote mutual trust, transparency and recognition q,of competences and qualifications Europass, reference levels, sectoral competences, non-formal and informal learning Copenhagen process for VET, 2002
7 EQF as common reference for recognition of qualifications Diversity accross Europe: learning outcomes and competences ccimportant references levels for description of qualifications National frameworks Maastricht (December 2004) National reforms increasing relevance of VET Development of EQF - based mainly on competences and learning outcomes - development of competence-based solutions for sectors Education & Training 2010 Joint Report (Feb. 2004)
8 CEDEFOP/QCA study on credit transfer and reference levels based ccon learning outcomes EQF consultation document (2005) - 8 reference levels based on 3 types of learning outcomes: vv,,knowledge, skills and competence - Meta framework with « neutral » learning outcomes (not ccc,including details of specific national qualifications) - Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner knows, cc ccc,understands and is able to do Responses emphasised need for NQFs based on learning outcomes Development of EQF ( )
9 Lisbon guidelines for Growth and Jobs ( ) N° 24 « Adapt E&T systems by responding to new occupational needs, key competences and future skill requirements by improving the definition and transparency of qualifications, their effective recognition and the validation of non-formal and informal learning. »
10 Neutral reference point Shift in way E&T is understood Common language enabling comparison of qualifications ccaccording to content & not methods of delivery Facilitates validation of non formal & informal learning Recommends that Member States - relate qualifications levels by use learning outcomes approach when defining cccqualifications Learning Outcomes in EQF recommendation (2006)
11 National E&T 2010 reporting, 2007 20 countries developing - NQF’s with a focus on learning outcomes - validation of non formal and informal learning Some describe all qualifications in LO’s, other partially or x,progressively (e.g. VET) Differing definitions (e.g. competence-based qualifications) Significant movement towards LO’s in school systems and c,HE and VET qualifications Challenge for national EQF alignment without LO’s
12 The way forward Evolution from implicit to explicit awareness of LO’s Peer learning on LO’s JR 08 will emphasise: - implementation of LLL - relevance of VET to labour market needs - raising skill levels - innovation and creativity This requires integration of LO’s into all levels of E&T,systems and qualifications Presidency resolution on « New skills for new jobs »