Department of Veterans Affairs Hispanic Employment Program Office of Diversity and Inclusion Arlene Gonzalez January 2013
Office of Diversity and Inclusion ODI Role and Responsibility Advises and supports the Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration in workforce diversity issues Supports the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries, and Assistant Secretaries in their actions to achieve and sustain a diverse workforce ASHRA Deputy Assistant Secretary Workforce Analysis Outreach and Retention Hispanic Employment Program Training and Communications Admin and Resource Mgmt
Plan Vision To meet mandates in: Executive Orders 13171, Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government; EO 13583, Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Workforce; EO 13555, White House Initiative for Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans;
Plan Vision (cont’d) To strategically integrate collective human capital actions aimed at improving the representation of Hispanics in the VA workforce, as outlined in: FY12 – 16 VA Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan; OPM Hispanic Council recommendations; MD 715 FEORP MSI reporting
VA Hispanic Employment, Outreach and Retention Strategic Plan FY Hispanic Plan Goals To ensure that the VA workforce is diverse, high performing and reflective of all segments of the Hispanic community. To ensure that the VA workplace is inclusive of Hispanic Americans and that work environments leverage diversity and empower all contributors. To facilitate outstanding public service and stakeholder relations through effective leadership and accountability.
HEP Crosswalk OPM Hispanic Council Recommendation VA FY11 VA FY12 VA HEP Initiative Recruitment & Outreach Strategies have Hispanic focus XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX VA FY12-FY16 Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan: Hispanic Strategic Plan for FY13-16; VA Human Capital Plan; Veterans Employment Service Outreach Plans; Center for Minority Veterans Outreach Plans; Veterans Health Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, National Cemetery Administration MD715, FEORP and Hispanic and Human Capital plans All VA Medical Facilities Human Capital Plans and MD715 plans (list not all inclusive)
HEP Crosswalk OPM Hispanic Council Recommendation VA FY11 VA FY12 VA HEP Initiative Accountability Metrics XXXX XXXXXX Applicant Flow data; Diversity Index, FEORP, MD715, Diversity and Inclusion Plan for use with vacancies, promotions, career development, SES Technical Assistance Reviews VA Diversity Council – Hispanic Work Group HEPM Revitalization XXXXX Annual HEPM Training (HQ and sub- components; virtual and classroom) National HEPM monthly meetings
VA Diversity Council … Hispanic Work Group Senior level EEO/Diversity/HR (expert) membership Alignment of strategic planning and reporting Departmental collaboration in addressing barriers Leverage agency resources for outreach
HEPM Telecons Promote HEPM inclusion – nationwide - in HEP program evolution Ensure VA-wide, occupationally diverse, field perspective in strategic planning Provides virtual training and career development Access to VA and Federal leaders Reduces HEPM isolation
HEP Crosswalk OPM Hispanic Council Recommendation VA FY 11 VA FY 12 VA HEP Initiative Outreach to Universities, Veterans, Senior Level Applicants, Non-Profits XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Affinity Organizations Support National Diversity Internship Program Spanish Language Marketing; Community Outreach and Communications Initiative (COCI) Student Outreach and Retention (SOAR) Initiative
California Consortium … a COCI Initiative Integrated federal, state, local government and private/non-profit sector approach to service delivery Leverage community resources for outreach Ensure community is informed on Veterans services, benefits and VA career opportunities Veteran Support
S.O.A.R. … Student Outreach and Retention Initiative Connect Community Partners/Consortiums, Hispanic Serving Educational Institutions, VA … and students Sustained VA Presence at Colleges/Universities – VA Recruiters on Campus (i.e., Nurse Recruiter) – VA Ambassadors – Student Career Mentorship – Staff Exchanges
HEP Crosswalk OPM Hispanic Council Recommendation VA FY11 VA FY12 VA HEP Initiative Performance PlansXXXX XXXX Diversity Element in SES Performance Plans; ADR Performance Element in SES Leadership /Supervisory Development XXXX XXXX SES Diversity training Cultural competency Student PathwaysXXXX XXXX National Diversity Internship Program; Workforce Recruitment Program
VA Hispanic Strategic Plan Highlighted A Model Plan! VA’s new FY13-16 Hispanic Employment, Outreach and Retention Strategic Plan was highlighted by OPM Director, John Berry, as being a model plan for the federal government. (Cyberfeds, December 17, 2012)
Elements for Success Dedicated Additional Professional HR and EEO Staff A WRP Intern Contract Budget/Financial Staff Research, research, and more research SENIOR LEADERSHIP SUPPORT AND INVOLVEMENT!