Project Name : MobiSales
Solutions Modules Sales Order Complaints Notes Collections Store Stock Update Warehouse stock update Competitor’s Update Feedback Executive Travel Claim Expense Claim Leave Request Inbox feature Priority Messages from Seniors Reports Total Sales Report Area wise Sales Report Product wise Sales Report Individual Sales Report Area wise Sales Team Report Daily/Weekly/Monthly Reports And many more as per client requirement
Target Clients Every company who is willing to manage their Sales Team effectively and efficiently. Every Company who wishes to track their primary and secondary sales. Every company who is willing to cut down on their costs heavily and still wants to increase the productivity of their employees.
Challenges No information on Secondary Sales. Non availability of real time information for Primary & Secondary Sales Efficient Management of Sales Team. Time consuming process for Uploading information like sales report/planning. Lack of information on competitor ‘s movement & activities. No visibility on collections pending at executive level. Lame excuse for not meeting Target by Executives. Miscommunication between Sales and Operations department. Real time location tracking of Sales executives (for Android OS only).
Solution Scope Complete SAS (Software as Service) Architecture. Initial Application to be developed in Java Target Hardware: All Java enabled Low Cost Phones (Range : 1500 & Above) Web based Back office Application. Order Booking & collections are to be the first Phase. Light solution which can run in Basic phones at good Speed. All the claim forms can be filled by the application users on their mobile phones (Expense, travel, medical, leave requests etc). Priority messages or any urgent message can be floated through this application by any senior official from the organization.
Sample Screen
Solutions Architecture
Advantages Real Time information access and updates for both management and executives. Critical Information access on real time for Field Executives. Prompt decision making and analysis. Enhances performances of Field executives. Helps is Serving customer faster & better. Complete & Accurate MIS Fast Sales order Cycle Quick ROI Advanced Sales Reports (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)
Target Audience & Business model Clients with Investment capacity of Rs / month / user. Minimum 25 user to unlimited Initial Investment of ‘X’ amount for implementation. Minimum Locking period of 6 months to 1 year depending the size of the deal.
Roadmap Developing in Windows Mobile – Mango, Android, Blackberry & iOS platform Web based centralized platform to keep a real time track on the updates by the various mobile users of the application
The End Thank You Questions Please…… Narendra Joshi ( )