Best Practices in PeopleSoft Procurement SRM PUG February 2008 Alexa Dhillon PeopleSoft SRM Product Strategy Manager
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Leveraging Best Practices Across Procurement Benefits of Integration to Your Organization: Reduce Spend on Goods and Services Greatly reduced processing costs Less Time on Non-Value Add Activities Stronger internal controls Better visibility into the entire process Better communication across parties to optimize decisions and strategies Reduce Spend – Contracts Reduce Processing Costs – PCards, ASN/ERS - streamline Improved Cash Management – Procurement Cards Stronger Internal Controls – Contracts, Matching Better Visibility – Contracts, eSettlements life cycle Better Communication – eSettlements using dispute settlements
Procurement Best Practices Getting a Return on Your Investment Compliance Enforce Negotiated Terms Legal and Organizational Drive Contract Compliance Streamline Processing Increase process effectiveness Extend Procurement Automation to Suppliers Free Buyers and Payables Clerks to Focus on more Strategic Activities Greater Business Insight / Analytics Gain deeper insight into spending Enhanced, Configurable Reporting to Meet User Needs
Procurement Best Practices Getting a Return on Your Investment Compliance Procurement and Supplier Contracts Streamline Processing Procurement Cards eProcurement Approvals Extend Procurement Automation to Suppliers eSupplier Connection and Evaluated Receipt Settlement Greater Business Insight / Analytics SRM Dashboard
Manage Suppliers & Contracts Procurement Contracts Source Purchase Settle Supplier Selections Negotiations and Agreements Requisitions Approvals Purchase Orders Acknowledgments Receipts Procurement Cards Vouchers / Invoices Matching Payments Manage Suppliers & Contracts Supplier Performance Expirations & Renewals
Supplier Contract Procurement Contracts vs. Supplier Contracts Separate Module Integrates with Core Purchasing Focuses on Document side of Contract with MS Word Integration Has structured clause library, rules-based authoring, approval workflow, etc. SLA and Deliverables Management for contract compliance Supports powerful contract searching Starting in Release 8.9 Procurement Contracts Part of Core Purchasing Focuses on execution of contract Captured key information to support execution Does not have true legal contract document will all terms and conditions Available for all releases
Procurement Contracts Best Practices for Purchasing Contracts Automate sourcing and releases buyers from routine work Enforce Contract Usage Ensure contract pricing and take advantage of volume pricing Use contract expiration and maximum amount notification Generate fewer purchase orders Track contract spend
Procurement Contracts Tips for Getting Started Set Up Contract Set Controls User Preferences Item / Vendor Relationship Contract Create Contract Generate Document (Supplier Contracts) Approve Generate Releases Notifications Review Contract Events, Analytics, SLAs
Procurement Contracts Contract Process Options Procurement Contract Process Options: Purchase Order Release to Single PO Only Purchasing Contracts Recurring Voucher Recurring PO Voucher Recurring Vouchers Both General
Procurement Contracts Purchase Order vs. Single PO Contracts Use Purchase Order Contract when You want separate purchase orders for each of your contract releases You want to be able to close your POs once your order is received and paid Use Single PO Contract when You or your supplier would like the convenience of tracking, receiving, and vouchering against one PO You are using PeopleSoft Release 8 SP2 or higher
Procurement Contracts Purchasing Contracts Master Contract Association – Track and Inquire across multiple contracts Open Item Reference – Eliminates need to define individual items on a contact Corporate vs. Non-Corporate Contract – Lower maintenance by sharing contracts across multiple business units Price Adjustments – Permits volume discounts Automatic Association of Contract onto PO – Ensure contract compliance Inquiries and Reports Dashboards and Analytics – View trends, usage, and opportunities Milestones, Notifications, Minimum and Maximum Edits …
Other External Sources Procurement Contracts Generating Releases from Contract to Purchase Order Contract Releases Requisition Contract PO Process PO Calc & PO Create Purchase Orders Planning (Planned Orders) Other External Sources
Procurement Contracts Manually Referencing Contract on Requisition Planning (Planned Orders) Requisition Selection PO Calc & PO Create Purchase Orders Requisitions with Contract Other External Sources
Planning (Planned Orders) Requisition Selection Other external Sources Procurement Contracts PO Calc Looks for Available Contract if None Specified Contract Planning (Planned Orders) Requisition Selection PO Calc & PO Create Purchase Orders Req without Contract PO Stage Process Other external Sources
Procurement Contracts Manually Associate Contract on Purchase Order Select Contract on PO Line, or Copy entire Contract into PO Purchase Order Purchase Order Contract Purchase Order
Purchasing Contracts Process Flow Consolidate Demand Conduct Negotiation Integrated Contracts Enforce Negotiated Terms and Operational Compliance Analyze and Award Requisition Contract / Document / SLAs Purchase Order Accrue / Relieve Encumbrance
Procurement Contracts Recurring Voucher Best Practices Scheduling Vouchers for Repetitive Payments Automatic Invoice Number Generation Retention – Ensure project completion before paying full amount Master Contract Association, Miscellaneous Charges, Milestones … Tracking and Reporting
Procurement Contracts Recurring Voucher Releases Create Vouchers on an as-needed basis Stage all releases up front, create vouchers as needed, or Stage and create vouchers as needed Recurring Voucher Releases Voucher Build Vouchers Voucher
Procurement Contracts Recurring PO Voucher Encumber funds on Contract prior to Voucher Creation Applies to Voucher Contracts, and organizations using commitment control Contract $12,000 Voucher $4,000 Voucher $4,000 Purchase Order $12,000 Voucher $4,000
Supplier Contract Management What Is It? Contract Document Authoring Lifecycle Management Content Management Create and Enforce Better Supplier Contracts
Supplier Contracts : Monitoring & SLAs Enforce Contract Compliance Proactive Performance Monitoring Automatic Spend Threshold Notifications Monitor contracted Service Level Agreements with suppliers and take corrective actions Understand current spend vs. contract ‘at-a-glance’ and accelerate or reduce spend accordingly Easily Track SLAs: Track Spend & Performance: Define On-Time Metrics Associate to contract Update metric based on receipts View Results In Contracts Monitor % of quality receipts % Correct Receipt Qty % On-time deliveries % Total Ordered versus Received All policy deviations are reported to approvers alongside clause deviations in the Contract Deviations Report, guiding approvers to exceptions in the contract along with the standard values. Procure-to-Pay for Goods & Services
Supplier Contracts Request Document
Supplier Contracts Contract Request Document
Manage Suppliers & Contracts Procurement Cards Source Purchase Settle Supplier Selections Negotiations and Agreements Requisitions Approvals Purchase Orders Acknowledgments Receipts Procurement Cards Vouchers / Invoices Matching Payments Manage Suppliers & Contracts Supplier Performance Expirations & Renewals
Procurement Cards Best Practices Reduce the cost associated with vendor set up, processing invoices/payments to vendors Efficient management of cash flow Increase Rebate Potential Improve Controls (Policies and Procedures, Spend monitoring) Automate Reconciliation Faster Payment to Vendors Global Acceptance
Procurement Cards Process Flow Requisition with Procurement Card as Payment Method Vendor Ghost Card PO with Procurement Card as Payment Method Dispatch PO Streamline Business Process by Automatically Matching Incoming Bank Statement with Purchase Order USBank & VISA InfoSpan Statement Layout Misc. Statement Layout Procurement Card Stage Process Inbound File Publish Process Load Statement Process Statement Notification Process Reconcile Transactions Voucher Stage Process Voucher Build Process Budget Check and Post Need to get file from bank, they need to be able to support the format. PCard information communicated with vendor Vendor passes PO information onto card issuing bank Bank passes PO information to customer in PCard bank statement Statement Load loading process attempts to use PO ID, along with transaction date and dollar amount, to try and match transaction with PO information Two notifications: Bank statement workflow and Grace Period Expired Workflow Procurement Cards on Requisitions and Purchase Orders To reduce the overhead costs associated with processing invoices and payments to suppliers companies are increasingly turning to procurement cards as a preferred payment method. To assist customers in streamlining their procurement and payables business process, Purchasing 8.9 enables users to specify Procurement Cards as a payment method on their requisitions and purchase orders. The users have an option of using their departmental cards or a ghost card on their transactions with various secure options to transmit the card numbers to suppliers. With this information available, the system can automatically match the incoming bank statements with purchase orders, accurately assigning costs to the right accounts. This enables companies to reduce their settlement costs with suppliers without sacrificing controls or access to spend information.
Procurement Cards Proxies Enhanced Security and Mass Maintenance Each card can have a unique set of proxy users Each proxy user is assigned a Procurement Card Role Mass Assign Proxy enables management of proxies for multiple cards To ease the administrative burden of procurement cards, mass maintenance features have been added to this release. Since an organization can have a large number of procurement card users, administration of the individual cards can become very time intensive. The Mass Assign Proxy enables the management of proxies for multiple cards reducing the amount of time needed to administer and manage procurement cards. If, for example, a user that was an administrator for multiple cards leaves the company and is replaced by another, the existing set of cards can be moved to the new administrator. Change, delete, copy & move proxy rights for Cards
Procurement Cards Ghost Card on Vendor Vendor Ghost Card can automatically be used as a Payment Method on Requisitions and POs
Procurement Cards Reconciling Statement View Transactions of all Users for which Role has Authority Transaction details for line
Procurement Analytic Tools eProcurement Approvals Source Purchase Settle Supplier Selections Negotiations and Agreements Requisitions Approvals Purchase Orders Acknowledgments Receipts Procurement Cards Vouchers / Invoices Matching Payments Procurement Analytic Tools Supplier Performance Expirations & Renewals
Visibility into Entire Requisition Lifecycle Simplified Requisition Processing Manage Requisitions – Release 8.9 Visibility into Entire Requisition Lifecycle Performing key requisition processing tasks from the Manage Requisitions page accelerates and streamlines the requisition process, making users more efficient and effective You’ll see enhancements in a bit Prior to 8.9, lifecycle on separate page
Expandable Requisitions Simplified Requisition Processing Approving Requisitions Made Easier – Release 8.9 Expandable Requisitions Revisit your approval rules and heirarchy before implementing Mass Approvals
Approve Without Logging into Application Simplified Requisition Processing Email Approvals – Release 8.9 Approve Without Logging into Application
Manage Suppliers & Contracts Advanced Shipping Notice / Evaluated Receipt Settlement (Using eSupplier Connection) Source Purchase Settle Supplier Selections Negotiations and Agreements Requisitions Approvals Purchase Orders Receipts Procurement Cards Vouchers / Invoices Matching Payments Manage Suppliers & Contracts Supplier Performance Expirations & Renewals automation
Advanced Shipping Notice / Evaluated Receipt Settlement Best Practices Streamline Receipt Creation Process by having your Vendors Send Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN) Generate Vouchers without Waiting for Vendor Invoice using Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) Enables Touchless Receipt and Voucher Creation to reduce data entry time and errors Useful for vendors with whom you have a trusting relationship
Advanced Shipping Notice / ERS Process Flow Supplier Side (eSupplier Connection) Buyer Side PO Entry/Approval View PO Information PO Dispatch PO Acknowledged Acknowledge PO Receive by ASN Ship & Record ASN with Invoice ID Voucher Build Review Shipment History Voucher / Matching Review Payment Payment
Visibility into Transaction History and Supplier’s Performance eSupplier Connection Supplier’s Dashboard Visibility into Transaction History and Supplier’s Performance
eSupplier Connection Advanced Shipping Notices Supplier Creates ASN On-Line Alternatively, ASN loaded through EDI
eSupplier Connection Invoice and Payment Details Suppliers View Transaction Details On-Line Frees Buyers to Focus on Strategic Activities
eSupplier Connection Supplier Performance Metrics On time performance PO/Receipt Quantity Performance Quality Performance Quantity Performance
Procurement Analytic Tools SRM Dashboard Source Purchase Settle Supplier Selections Negotiations and Agreements Requisitions Approvals Purchase Orders Acknowledgments Receipts Procurement Cards Vouchers / Invoices Matching Payments Procurement Analytic Tools Supplier Performance Expirations & Renewals
Supplier Relationship Management Insight-Driven Business Processes SRM Dashboard Expanded KPIs for buyers and managers Summary metrics at business unit level Supplier performance analytics pagelet Collection of pagelets and metrics presenting aggregated view of source-to-settle business process for Buyers and Managers SRM Dashboard The SRM Dashboard was introduced in Release 8.9, is a collection of pagelets and metrics presenting aggregated view of source-to-settle business process. It provides the ability to view Purchasing and eProcurement-related information in one centralized location. We have improved business insight in Release 9.0 through the expanded KPI’s, which include the addition of the following metrics: For the Buyer Role: Total PO Spend, Percentage Contract Spend, Category Spend, and Supplier Spend For the Manager Role: Requisition Approval Notification, Total PO Spend, Category Spend, and Supplier Spend Business Unit Level Summaries includes reporting information summarized for a user defined business unit, including the following metrics: Requisition Transaction Summary by Month Purchase Order Transaction Summary by Month Receipt Transactions Summary by Month Supplier Performance Analytics allows for the inclusion of a pagelet containing supplier performance information Contract Mgmt Following up on the initial launch of PeopleSoft Enterprise Supplier Contract Management in release 8.9, release 9.0 contains the following key enhancements: Request for Contract – When creating a requisition, the requester can create a supplemental request that captures needed information pertaining to a contract request and any additional information in the supporting document. When you award the requisition to a contract, the contract specialist can reference the original request document and refer to the requesters responses within that request document to help drive the content and enter required data on the actual contract. The benefit of this process is that by the time the contracting specialist gets involved, the requestor has already been prompted for and provided all of the necessary information. SLA Compliance –Sometimes contracts contain service level agreements or supplier performance clauses that specify measurable goals or expectations for the supplier. Examples include on-time commitments, shipment accuracy, and shipment quality. Previously, PeopleSoft could only list SLAs. PeopleSoft Enterprise Supplier Contract Management 9 enables you to define these targets as part of the contract agreement and contract deliverable structure and have the application proactively notify you concerning the supplier’s performance. Evaluating the transactional data and then notifying the interested party if the supplier falls out of compliance, makes managing performance on an exception basis easier. Services Procurement Time reporting -- Customers using PeopleSoft Enterprise Services Procurement 9 to manage resource-based contingent labor can now have Service Providers report time based on shifts, assignments, or both. A shift is essentially a specified period of time that groups of people work such as day shift, swing shift and graveyard shift. Assignments relate to the work being done or conditions of work. For example an assignments can be when a person is on-call and when they are called out. Service providers will be able to report standard time as well as shifts and assignments all in the same user interface. Expanded roles - Customers will now be able to define a Service Provider with the additional ability to manage the process as a Service Coordinator. By allowing a service provider to act as a services coordinator, PeopleSoft Enterprise Services Procurement 9 streamlines the management of these service providers and integrates them completely into the PeopleSoft Enterprise Services Procurement application. This provides a lower total cost of ownership, better rate compliance, enhanced performance analysis, and easier replacement of service providers. Requisitioning Amount-only reqs -- Before PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9, the requisition was quantity-based. Amount only requisitions enable requesters to order goods and services specifying only a dollar amount and not quantity. PeopleSoft Enterprise Purchasing 9 extends support for amount only requisitions, so requesters now can place an order, receive the order, and pay for an order based solely on the amount that is purchased. Off-catalog requests – Item catalogs may not contain all items for which a requestor is searching. The Special Request feature enables users to request off-catalog items by providing item information to buyers. Typically requesting an item using the Special Request feature is more time consuming than selecting an item from a catalog. If the same item were to be requisitioned repeatedly using the Special Request feature, the requisitioning process would be greatly streamlined for users requesting that common, off-catalog item if it were part of the catalog. Additionally, after the item is added to the catalog, better spend control will occur and the procurement organization may be able to negotiate contracts for this item.
Activity Monitor Displays Buyer’s Current Task List SRM Dashboard Pagelets and Metrics in Release 8.9 Activity Monitor Displays Buyer’s Current Task List
SRM Dashboard Pagelets and Metrics in Release 9.0 Mouse over bar indicates amount and total number of schedules for period 98% for period 7/06, Total Schedule Lines: 12
SRM Dashboard Spend by Business Unit Total Spend by BU
SRM Dashboard Spend by Business Unit Filter and View Schedules Drill into PO
Supplier Relationship Management SRM Dashboard – Spend by Category Category Spend Broken Down by Vendor
Procurement Best Practices Getting a Return on Your Investment Compliance Procurement and Supplier Contracts Streamline Processing Procurement Cards eProcurement Approvals Extend Procurement Automation to Suppliers eSupplier Connection and Evaluated Receipt Settlement Greater Business Insight / Analytics SRM Dashboard
Source-to-Pay Best Practices Benefits Simplification Eliminate paper Reduce manual entry and errors Standardization Validation of master and transaction data Automation Matching, payment and dispute resolution Manage and control enterprise spend Consolidation Shared services Supplier collaboration Strategic alignment of finance activities with overall corporate goals Gain visibility and control over spending Focus on strategic activities Improve internal policy compliance Better visibility into the entire process Better communication across parties to optimize decisions and strategies Leverage supplier base According to Hackett Group: Simplification of finance process Automation of routine or repetitive tasks Consolidation of redundant resources Standardization of data and processes Strategic alignment of finance activities with overall corporate goals Shared Services: How: Centralized ERP Processing COA Validation Accounting plus inter/intra company Allocations Statutory Reporting Industry Support & Best Practice Express Capitalization Configurable Matching (up to 4 way) Expense Analysis & Control Electronic Invoice/Bill Presentment & Payment for Supplier and Customer collaboration Centralized Payment platform to improve yield on cash assets & improved working capital Contracts PCard ERS Supplier Collaboration POAs Analytics Duplicate Vendor Checking Matching (4 way) Gain visibility and control over spending – which reduces spend on goods and services Focus on Stretegic activities because spending less time on non-value activities – supplier collab Other best practices: Electronic invoices (XML) Supplier self-service Online approvals Online dispute resolution Email notifications Matching at header, lines Tolerances functionality Exceptions workflow Virtual approver Central payment factory Real-time bank connectivity Workflow