Sonya Van Horn, M.S., ATP AT Consultant North Carolina Assistive Technology Program.


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Presentation transcript:

Sonya Van Horn, M.S., ATP AT Consultant North Carolina Assistive Technology Program

North Carolina Assistive Technology Program State & federally funded No charge to persons with disabilities and families Programs that are required by law to provide assistive technology services must reimburse us for our services Vocational Rehabilitation Independent Living Veteran’s Administration Public School Systems CAP-MR/DD

Eligibility NCATP provides AT services to individuals of all ages, all disabilities, their families and service providers.

Services Advocacy Consultation Equipment Demonstration Education and Training Equipment Loan Information and Referral Technical Assistance Technical Services Program Development

Sylva ATRC

What Is Assistive Technology? Any piece of equipment that is used to increase the independence of an individual with a disability.


Assistive technology is connecting the world quickly and easily in previously unimaginable ways, especially through the Internet and e- mail. Many of these advances have been lifesavers for people with disabilities.

Technology choice depends on type and severity of aphasia Receptive –Difficulty understanding spoken language –Difficulty understanding text Expressive –Difficulty speaking

Most Common Types of Assistive Technology Used by Persons with Aphasia Computer-based Treatment Systems Augmentative Communication Computer Access Reading Aids

Computer-based Treatment Systems Computer-based treatment systems consist of a regular desktop or laptop computer equipped with specialized software programs. The software programs may be used by the person with aphasia independently or may be used as an adjunct to weekly therapy sessions with a speech-language pathologist or other rehabilitation professional..

Knowing whether or not a computer will be helpful in home therapy is a complex decision. It requires detailed knowledge of the user's language capabilities plus a familiarity with the software and hardware options. How do you pick software that targets the skills that need to be strengthened? How do you know that the difficulty level is not too high and not too low? A speech language pathologist and/or an assistive technology consultant can help you find answers. Computer-based Treatment Systems

Research demonstrates that specific problems may be improved with computerized treatment approaches. For example: Computerized reading treatment has been shown to improve the language performance of people with aphasia on reading tasks that were not computer based.

Computer-based Treatment Systems People report benefits that come from “exercising” their brain and practicing skills on a daily basis with the nonjudgmental, immediate feedback a computer can provide.

Computer-based Treatment Systems To find out whether you might benefit from a computer-based treatment system, you need first to determine your particular goals. A speechlanguage pathologist can help you define goals and identify appropriate software tools. There are programs designed to help with: auditory comprehension reading comprehension writing word-finding cognitive skills, such as attention, memory and problem solving

Software for At-home Language Practice MossTalk Words Parrot Software Lingraphica

Computer-based Treatment Systems A symbol-based communication system, in combination with a daily training program, has been shown to improve natural language production in people with severe aphasia

Augmentative Communication Systems These systems help people with speech or language disorders function better in daily life. They may look like portable “talking boxes” or may consist of software that is used on a desktop or laptop computer. Augmentative and alternative communication systems can enhance the speech and writing of people with significant speech and language difficulties.

Augmentative Communication Systems A wide variety of alternative communication options exist: –voice-output devices that come in many shapes and sizes –word-prediction software that “guesses” what you are trying to type –programs that read the text on the screen out loud Alternative communication systems may also be called “speech-generating devices” and are covered by Medicare and many other insurance

Augmentative Communication Systems Can be a low tech device (such as an alphabet board) or a very high tech device (such as a computer driven by the eye gaze of its user). The critical thing is to match the communication needs and abilities of the user to the right device.

Augmentative Communication Systems The American Speech/Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) has produced a booklet to outline the process for deciding when an augmentative communication device would be helpful in enhancing communication. For a free copy of "Augmentative Communication for Consumers", contact the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: ASHA Consumer Information Rockville Pike Rockville, MD Phone: or

Augmentative Communication Systems Low Tech Symbol Systems

Augmentative Communication Systems Recorded Voice Systems

Augmentative Communication Systems Text-based Systems

Augmentative Communication Systems Dedicated Digitized Voice Systems

Augmentative Communication Systems Computer-based Systems

Computer Access Alternative keyboards Alternative mice trackballs eye gaze systems head mouse foot mouse Word predicting programs

Reading Pens Are shaped like a pocket-sized pen with a display screen and buttons. Users scan printed text with the small optical scanner in the tip of the pen, and the device translates, defines, reads aloud, or stores the text quickly and accurately – anytime and anywhere. Reading pens can: –Define and translate scanned everyday words, phrases, and professional terms into any of 25 languages –Read scanned words aloud –Store scanned text and transfer it to a PC or handheld device (online or later) –Use special display and audio features to help people with special needs (such as dyslexia, aphasia, and literacy issues)

Funding Resources Public schools, private schools, Head Start CSHS/Medicaid CAP MR/DD Birth to Three AT Funds Vocational Rehabilitation Independent Living Private health insurance (DME) Disability organizations (Easter Seals, UCPA) Service organizations (Lions, Masons, Elks) Private organizations Self-pay/low interest loans

Determine the need. Determine the device or assistive technology needed. Determine available funding resources. Gather all essential information. Get funding authorization approval. Seek co-payment sources. Seek appeals as appropriate. Funding Process

NCATP Funding Specialist Annette Lauber

Staff Sonya Van Horn, M.S., ATP AT Consultant Mary Kay Dulin, B.S. AT Specialist

Computer Access Provide access to internet information resources Increase employment options Increase educational opportunities Increase communication with the world

Job Accommodation Increase employment options Provide compensation for sensory deficits

Activities of Daily Living Increase independence Improve safety Decrease risk of injury to care providers

Vehicle Modifications Provide community access

Recreation Increase access to recreational opportunitie s

"Computers Made Easy: A guide to computer solutions for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers." Ruth Bluestone ©2000. This practical guide will answer important questions related to the use of computers by individuals with disabilities, specifically those with communication and/or cognitive problems. Its goal is to help individuals with disabilities, the professionals who treat them, and family members find hardware and software solutions to meet the individual needs and to enhance the quality of lives of individuals with disabilities. Cost 22.50USD (includes shipping and handling). To order, call Ruth Bluestone at or for more information.