2-day Practitioner Training Date: Location: Trainers: peep learning together programme
who are we? housekeeping introducing ourselves our group agreement welcome
training aims To equip practitioners to effectively deliver the Programme with parents/carers and the families they work with gain practitioner City and Guilds unit accreditation know how to offer Peep Progression Pathway: parent qualification
introducing peeple who we are what we do
peeple principles we believe in the potential of every parent, every carer, every child we believe that relationships are at the heart of learning we recognise parents and carers for what they already do and help them to do more we believe that lives can be transformed by building on everyday learning experiences we recognise the importance of reflecting on the world through the eyes of others
peep learning together programme training WhyWhatHow key ideas behind the programme research and evidence base ORIM as the mechanism for development and growth an adult-learning programme for parents and children together based on playful everyday learning for babies, toddlers and preschoolers group or 1:1 delivery 5 strands of learning sub-strands organised into 74 topics peep progression pathway – parent qualification embedded session plans ORIM in action ORIM for parents practitioner skills and attributes planning and practising parents/carers as learners Peep Progression Pathway – parent qualification practitioner accreditation ORIM to support adult learner
peep learning together programme aims The Peep Learning Together Programme is an adult learning programme which aims to help parents/carers to value and extend everyday learning opportunities improve the home learning environment develop secure attachment relationships with their babies and young children gain qualifications based on their own goals and aspirations
peep learning together programme aims By supporting parents/carers, the programme aims to improve children’s: personal social and emotional development communication and language early literacy development early maths development health and physical development
why does this programme work? What makes a difference to children? quality of the Home Learning Environment quality of relationships between parents and children
why does this programme work? The Birth to School Study evidence base for the Learning Together Programme shows that the Peep LTP makes a difference to the HLE
why does this programme work? Attachment babies and young children need secure attachments with their parents/carers research shows a strong and proven link between secure attachment and positive child outcomes in all areas; social, emotional, educational attachment is not parenting or bonding attachment describes the QUALITY of the parent-child relationship most children enjoy a secure and “good enough” relationship with their parent/carer
why use orim? ORIM as a mechanism for parental growth and development O opportunities R recognition I interaction M modelling
PSED Personal, social and emotional development CL Communication and language EL Early literacy EM Early maths HPD Health and physical development programme structure and content topics topic cards topic handouts session plans toolbox
Sessions always contain welcome/hello song talk time (1 of 3 ways + activity for babies/children if appropriate) songs and rhymes books and stories things to try at home farewell/goodbye song what is the peep learning together programme?
Looking at the Learning Together Programme content Peeple website
what is the learning together programme? Exploring each strand find the strand key ideas and read together look at the topics within the strand and use the strand map to see which sub-strands they are in look at the topics. Read topic aim(s), the topic key ideas and ORIM in action. Look at the 3 different ways to share these key ideas through talk time (question, message, activity) look at songs and rhymes and notice how these support the topic key ideas look at suggestions for stories to share look at ideas for things to try at home – consolidate and extend the learning
what is the learning together programme? ORIM in action: the parent/carer’s roles in their child’s learning
what is the learning together programme? Sharing ORIM with parents opportunities recognition interaction modelling
how to deliver the programme setting a group/home agreement
how to deliver the programme session elements skills and knowledge needed delivery practice
practising session delivery read strand key ideas read topic aim read topic key ideas Read ORIM in action read session plan practise session delivery – all elements (just a short hello/goodbye) any questions?
end of day 1 quiz and homework!
welcome back! any questions from yesterday additional time for practice sessions
how to deliver the programme Challenging situations You notice that a dad decides to change his daughter’s nappy or get a drink every time you do activities involving writing on post-it-notes. What could be happening for this dad? How does this make you feel?
how do adults learn?
introduction to group theory forming storming norming performing mourning
The Peep Progression Pathway
the peep progression pathway The benefits of the Peep Progression Pathway adult learning training
how to set up a learning together course how to set up a Peep Learning Together course in your community practical considerations
measuring outcomes and monitoring and evaluating your programme
getting started… make a list of four things you will need to do to get your Peep Learning Together Programme delivery up and running
ORIM: our learning experience Why use ORIM?A mechanism to help parents and carers to develop and grow What is ORIM?It is a framework to use to help parents and carers support their children’s learning: 1.For specific learning outcomes, eg. early writing 2.For everyday learning opportunities, eg. during nappy changing How ORIM is used?It is the way in which we as practitioners help parents and carers to develop as adult learners
peeple website
thank you! Those who exert the first influence upon the mind have the greatest power – Horace Mann