Please complete the Middle East IQ Quiz to the best of your ability
When you hear the world “Muslim” what is the first thing that comes to your mind? 2005 – 6% Positive comments: good religion, good people, faithful, devout” 2005 – 57% Neutral Comments: mosque, religion, desert” 2005 – 26% Negative Comments “Violence, hatred, terrorist, war, and guns”
Muslims teach their children to hate unbelievers Muslims value life less than other people The Muslim religion teaches violence and hatred
Sunni Muslims Follow the teaching of Muhammad Recognize caliphs as successors Shiites Muslims Believe heirs of Ali are successors
Because of security needs, the civil liberties of American Muslims should be restricted 51% disagreed 17% “Its ok to lock up Muslims just in case they are planning terrorist attacks”
Followers of the religion of Islam are called Muslims AKA I’m a Muslim, My religion is Islam
50% know about the Qu’ran 1/3 knew that Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God 80% said their knowledge of Muslims comes from television
2005 – only 2% responded that they are very knowledge of Islam 39% - somewhat knowledgeable 60% - not very knowledgeable or knew nothing at all
Arab is a nationality – where most religions began Muslim is a person who accepts the Islamic religion Muslims use many different languages, while Arabs use the Arabic language Arabs originate in the Middle East, while Muslims can be found all over the world Muslims are more numerous than Arabs
Middle East: Climate Regions
Middle East: Population Density
The Natural Resources of the Middle East
World Oil Reserves
Persian Gulf Oil Exports (2003)