Screaming Streaming Success Anthony Helm, Academic Technologist David Kulik, Head Coach Men’s Soccer Cheryl Turner Elwell, Director Academic Technology Services
Copyright Cheryl Turner Elwell, 2007 This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Contact Info Anthony Helm, Academic Technologist David Kulik, Head Coach Men’s Soccer Cheryl Turner Elwell, Director of Academic Technology Services
Introduction History Strategy Challenges Forward
Change Accessibility Expectations Balance We must balance investment with possible benefits Expectations are always on the rise Tools for creating rich content are increasingly accessible We face a changing technology landscape
Change Expectation s Tools Partnerships Finding a balance?
From then to now Play
Overload if we didn’t do something different English Foreign Languages Athletics Web Team
Decide who will do each of these steps Logistics Idea and/or Event Encode Edit Capture Stream
Firewire cable Camera/ videographer Laptop/desktop Server ServeView Edit/ Encode Capture
Ideas Hardware Templates (?) Training CommunicationCommunication TimeTime Servers Hardware Disk space Bandwidth Templates (?) Training CommunicationCommunication TimeTime ITS Non ITS Investing People
Expertise LOWLOW HIGHHIGH CreativeTechnical “Directors” High-end editing Content Expertise Student workers (videographers) Low-end editing Producers (planning) Systems/network planning & support Encoder Tool selection Training providers
Results of our decisions/efforts Positive Negative Cross-platform ease Bandwidth Time Visibility Buzz Learning Storytelling Innovations Expectations Policies Archives
The fork in the road We (like most of us) were faced with a chicken and egg scenario…. –do we build the robust infrastructure first and grow based on it, or –do we try it, see if we think there is promise, and then build the infrastructure to support the demand created.
Challenges in moving forward Generating interest from “promising” prospects…. More partnerships (curricular projects?) Staffing, training Loaner equipment Prioritization And finally….
Wikis Blogs Virtual Worlds Streaming Audio & Video Podcasts ???? Making 2.0 connections
Questions ?