RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET RELIGIOUS POLICY Varied significantly over time & circumstance Atheism was official doctrine State & Party took on attributes of religion Identified religion closely with nationality
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION MARXIST-LENINIST APPROACH Religion was “opiate of the masses” It was by-product of economic exploitation & social oppression Would no longer be necessary in socialist society But Soviet leadership never fully believed it would disappear
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD ORTHODOXY Authorities sought to control, exploit, & ultimately eliminate it 1st ecclesiastical legislation = “Decree on the Separation of Church & State” League of Militant Godless harassed believers Anti-religious education & propaganda, propagated atheism
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD ORTHODOXY Tolerance of Church during World War II to garner support for war Khrushchev reversed policy of cooperation with Church Further crackdown by Brezhnev Non-Russian Orthodox Churches persecuted due to affiliation with nationalism Resurgence under Gorbachev
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD CATHOLICS Policies influenced by recognition of outside authority, i.e. Pope Linked to nationalism particularly in Lithuanian & Ukrainian republics Intense persecution
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD PROTESTANTS Some actually benefited from Soviet power Communists lifted repression imposed by tsarist system But in 1929 Soviets issued decree outlawing proselytizing, arrested many Despite this, managed to attract many new members
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD ISLAM Soviets initially accorded more tolerance to Muslims Allowed public rituals, sharia courts, Muslim schools, mullahs retained rights Mid-1920s saw change in policies Muslim rebels, Basmachi, brought under control Now state moved against Islam: closed schools, sharia courts, mosques
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD ISLAM Stalin launched campaign of direct persecution Attacked Islamic traditions: veiling of women, polygamy, Kalym Tried to end ritual prayers & fasts that interfered with labor discipline Prohibited pilgrimage to Mecca Separated Muslim nationalities administratively to prevent unification After Stalin, Soviet authorities allowed limited Muslim activity
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD JEWS Jews designated as religion & nationality Tsarist persecution attracted many to revolutionary movement Bolsheviks tried to end discrimination against Jews Assimilated Jews advanced in education & professions Created Jewish autonomous region = Birobidzhan
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD JEWS Jewish religious practices suppressed Abolished community councils, outlawed Hebrew language, training of rabbis Most synagogues closed Anti-Semitism & violence never disappeared After World War II, Stalin initiated anti-Semitic campaign
RELIGION IN THE SOVIET UNION SOVIET POLICY TOWARD JEWS Official persecution & discrimination ended after Stalin But reintroduced after 1967 Many Jews became part of dissident movement Numerous appeals for right to emigrate to Israel = REFUSNIKS