IQ Tests
IQ (intelligence quotient) measures mental ability Most well-known IQ test: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale developed in Paris in the early 20 th century to help educate children with learning disabilities IQ tests measure a variety of different types of ability such as verbal, mathematical, spatial, memory and reasoning
Average score ranges between 90 and 109 IQDescription% of Population 130+Very Superior2.2% Superior 6.7% High Average16.1% Average50% 80-89Low Average16.1% 70-79Borderline6.7% Below 70 Extremely low2.2%
Do IQ tests actually measure intelligence? Whether IQ tests actually test general intelligence is debatable Many IQ tests are an assessment of an individual’s problem solving ability rather than general knowledge DO NOT measure creativity, practical knowledge, and other skills involved in problem solving IQ tests also do not take into account social elements such as home, school and community
Apparently, the IQ gives a good indication of the occupational group that a person will end up in, though not of course the specific occupation. In their book, Know Your Child’s IQ, Glen Wilson and Diana Grylls outline occupations typical of various IQ levels: 140Top Civil Servants; Professors & Research Scientists 130Physicians and Surgeons; Lawyers; Engineers (Civil and Mechanical) 120School Teachers; Pharmacists; Accountants; Nurses; Stenographers; Managers 110Foreman, Clerks; Telephone Operators; Salesmen; Policemen; Electricians 100+Machine Operators; Shopkeepers; Butchers; Welders; Sheet Metal Workers 100-Warehousemen; Carpenters; Cooks and Bakers; Small Farmers; Truck/ Van Drivers 90Laborers; Gardeners; Upholsterers; Farmhands; Miners; Factory Packers & Sorters.
If we’re all geniuses… Multiple Intelligences Theory - Intelligence is not a single entity, fixed at birth, but can be improved Eight “Frames of Mind” have been identified by Howard Gardner These eight competencies meet his three criteria for defining an intelligence Each of us has all eight of these intelligences, but not all of them are developed equally