Recent Developments in UK RES-H Policy Dr. Peter Connor 21st October, 2008
Prior to 2007 – Little Development Some effort made to quantise potential Efforts made in 2004 to push a Renewables Heat Obligation Renewable Heat Bill foundered in 2005 with General Election Merton Rule the most significant effort
2007 DTI’s Energy Trends discusses RES-H and overall UK heat use. DEFRA/BERR sponsor two reports Renewable Heat initial Business Case Renewable Heat Support Mechanisms
2008: Much more activity Jan.: Heat Call for Evidence May: Barriers to Renewable Heat Part 1: Supply Side (BERR/Enviros)
2008: Much more activity May: Heat chapter included in Renewable Energy Strategy Consultation document. Target of 11-14% of all UK heat to come from renewables by 2020 is mooted. Renewables Heat Obligation and Renewables Heat Incentive seem to be key choice for RES-H support.
2008: Much more activity June 1 st : Impact Assessment of Proposals for a UK Renewable Energy Strategy - Renewable Heat (BERR) June: Renewables Advisory Board include heat in report on UK meeting its RE targets June 23 rd : Qualitative Evaluation of Financial Instruments for Renewable Heat (BERR/NERA)
Currently RES consultation closed on Sept. 26 th. Conclusions awaited. Further consultations relating to heat likely. NO mention was made of cooling in the RES Consultation document. Indicative of general UK position.
Potential Scenario