1 Getting Beyond Compliance With Safety, Health and Environment Management Disclaimer: These safety materials, resources and PowerPoint ® presentations are not intended to replace your company's health and safety policies or to substitute for specific state and federal standards. We do not guarantee the absolute accuracy of the material contained within these resources. Please refer to applicable state and federal standards for regulatory compliance.
2 OSHA intends I2P2 to be a regulation that will cover all manner of hazards, including those that are currently regulated, and recognized but not regulated Injury & Illness Prevention Program (I2P2)
3 Management duties Employee participation Hazard identification and assessment Hazard prevention and control Education and training Program evaluation and improvement What Would I2P2 Involve?
4 Identify the people responsible for implementing the program Visibly support the program Management Commitment
5 Intended to ensure communication with employees Multiple ways to implement: Safety committees Means to report hazards without fear of reprisal, such as suggestion boxes, reporting hotlines, etc. Employee Participation
6 Comprehensive surveys Management of change analyses Job hazard analyses Hazard Identification and Assessment
7 Hierarchy of controls: Engineering - Eliminating hazards through design, enclosure of hazards, barriers or local ventilation Administrative Personal protective equipment
8 Scheduled periodic inspections to identify unsafe conditions and work practices Hazard correction tracking Safe work procedures Disciplinary programs Hazard Prevention and Control
9 Preventive maintenance Emergency preparations Accident investigation to determine root cause Employee hazard reporting Trend analysis of data collected Hazard Prevention and Control
10 Documented training on hazards and their controls Measure the worker’s understanding of the effectiveness of the training Education and Training
11 Forcing the program to be evaluated will ensure it is not just a paper program left collecting dust on the shelf, and that the program is implemented Program Evaluation and Improvement
12 OSHA Voluntary Protection Program OSHA Voluntary Protection Program OSHA Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) OSHA Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) OSHA Challenge Program OSHA Challenge Program Resources
13 ANSI/AIHA Z10 ANSI/AIHA Z10 OHSAS OHSAS State laws that require written injury and illness prevention programslaws Resources Return to table of contents Go to next presentation