MOOD Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive English 3 Mr. McGowan
What is mood? LIFE DEFINITION LITERATURE DEFINITION How you are feeling at a given time LITERATURE DEFINITION The reader’s emotional response The atmosphere of a story
“Mood” in Grammar DEFINITION: The form a verb takes to indicate the ATTITUDE of the person using the verb.
Tense, Voice, Mood TENSE – shows time (past, present, future) VOICE – shows who’s doing an action or having action done to them MOOD – shows attitude (telling a fact, giving a command, expressing a wish)
Indicative Mood Express a fact, opinion, or question It is 84 degrees in here. I think I am going to pass out. Can we please turn the heat down? Write one sentence in indicative mood.
Imperative Mood Direct command or request Show me the money. Now give me the money. Don’t call the police. Write one sentence in IMPERATIVE mood.
Subjunctive Mood PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE: PAST SUBJUNCTIVE: To express a suggestion, a necessity, or an indirect command/order PAST SUBJUNCTIVE: To express an untrue condition, or a wish or desire.
What does the subjunctive mood look like? Common verbs: ask, demand, determine, insist, move, order, pray, prefer, recommend, regret, request, require, suggest, and wish.
What does the subjunctive mood look like? Present Subjunctive: The teacher recommended that I be in her class. I recommend that you be on time the rest of the year. The judge suggested that we be given first prize.
Present subjunctive cntd. I demand that he do the assignment. Her mom insisted that she not play tomorrow night. I insist that Michael come early. I strongly suggest that he cooperate with the police.
PAST SUBJUNCTIVE I wish you were in my English class. I wish Mr. McGowan weren’t so awesome. If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. Write one sentence in PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE, and one sentence in PAST SUBJUNCTIVE.
What mood? Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive? Maria translates articles into Spanish. I wish you were here. Bring me the towels. I suggest that you be quiet now. Please be quiet. The coach asked that each player practice twice each day. The coach wishes the rugby team ___ more motivated.
Assignments Classwork: Worksheet on Mood. Homework: Creative writing assignment using active voice and subjunctive mood.