By Jack Campbell
Earth day is a celebration that takes place on April 22 every year. On Earth day more than 192 countries celebrate and take place in events that support the protection of the environment. Some of these events include mural painting, planting trees and making posters. Here in Orlando, we are having an Earth day festival at lake Eola. In 1970 the first Earth Day occurred and the idea came from Gaylord Nelson who was also the founder of Earth day. Earth day was founded in San Francisco US. In the 1970s most Americans were very wasteful, using up lots of gas in big v8 engines and spilling oil often. All this pollution was what inspired the idea for an Earth Day.
1) If we keep buying seafood at the same rate we are, there will be no seafood by ) Using sunscreen and then jumping in the ocean within a few minutes is very harmful to the ocean 3) Flushing cat litter down the toilet is very harmful to the ocean because it contains harmful pathogens 4) Plastic bags look like jellyfish to sea turtles and they easily will choke on them which makes for a sad painful death 5) All there has to be is a piece of litter on the street and a big storm and that litter is on it’s way to the nearest ocean through a storm drain
1) The ozone layer is located in the stratosphere 2) Ozone is toxic to humans but since it is 9.3 miles above the ground it is harmless to us 3) The ozone layer protects us from the suns harmful UV rays which can lead to skin cancer and sun burns 4) There is a growing hole in the ozone layer due to pollutants such as chlorine and bromine 5) The ozone hole is about 25 million square meters
1)Coal, oil and natural gases are the main fossil fuels 2) Fossil fuels are predicted to run out by ) Fossil fuels are the remains of dead animals and plants that have been converted to oil, coal or natural gas by exposure to the heat and pressure of earth’s crust 4) To run a 100 watt light bulb for 24 hours we need to use about 714 pounds of coal in a power plant 5) Oil is the primary source of fuel for transportation
I think that the most important environmental issue is the use of fossil fuels. I feel this way because we rely so heavily on commuting through cars and other vehicles that use fossil fuels. Important people won’t be able to travel places and communicate their decisions to other important people easily. Also this coming up very soon, in 73 years which means that we need to figure something out and fast! These are a few reasons why this is the most important environmental issue.
There are many easy ways to save the environment but these are the two ways that I think will help it the most. One of the most obvious solutions is to just pick up trash. This will do wonders for the environment. Also just follow the laws surrounding the environment. You may not think that this will help but it does more than you would think. If people just do these easy things the environment will be around much longer than we think.
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