Focus was on the Propagation of Parazoanthus gracilis (Yellow Colonial Anemone) Wanted to examine most suitable conditions for the Yellow Colonial Anemone After finding these conditions wanted to see how Yellow Colonial Anemone would do in more realistic environment
Generally found in shallow water on rocks Moderate light Moderate water current Can be found in large and small numbers Polyps are isolated from one another and don’t form encrusting mat Polyps can send chemical messages to one another which explains why polyps open and close at the same time Filter feeders but also have zooxanthelle Reproduce by budding Semi- aggressive Do well in marine aquariums
Original Questions 1. Will there be a difference in growth between different corals based on amount of light? 2. If one colony of the coral is fed more frequently than another will that one grow as much as or more than the other? 3. If a coral were to be moved into a different tank would that affect the growth? 4. What is the success rate when propagating coral? Is it dependent on the type of coral?
There will be an decrease in growth rate in the soft corals from tank A4 and B1 when light levels decrease but direct feeding levels remain the same. Research did inspire hypothesis but focus changed Began to focus on the Yellow Colonial Anemone rather than multiple types and project focus in the end was moved to competition between corals
Carried out research in tanks A4 and B1 Main organism Yellow Colonial Anemone from tank B1 Propagated Yellow Colonial Anemone using typical supplies Placed propagated disc in different Situations to see if growth rate was Changed Once determined different corals were Placed to see how they would do in Competition
In order to collect data and observe tank conditions daily notes were taken on both tanks Daily checks were not necessary due to growth rate of Yellow Colonial Anemone even though it grows faster than most corals During observations looked at growth rate of yellow colonial anemone propagated discs along with the growth on the front glass of tank B1 Later began observing interaction between corals that were placed on the same disc
Will there be a difference in growth between different corals based on amount of light? Although specific question was not addressed research was still done on shading Shading reduced growth rate in comparison to coral with light If one colony of the coral is fed more frequently than another will that one grow as much as or more than the other? Did not address question
If a coral were to be moved into a different tank would that affect the growth? Movement of Yellow colonial anemone had no affect on the coral and saw very quick growth even though it was in a different environment Thought that new surroundings such as different coral, current and lighting would affect propagated disc What is the success rate when propagating coral? Is it dependent on the type of coral? Propagated five discs Only had to redo one propagated disc because coral was very unsuccessful
Number of Polyps Per Disc
Data involved with numbers in graphs Data not seen in graph was not successful Tried to examine competition between different corals
There will be an decrease in growth rate in the soft corals from tank A4 and B1 when light levels decrease but direct feeding levels remain the same. Statement not researched in detail Although research did support hypothesis Not enough data for accurate support
Had trouble with propagation Time Getting coral to interact
To make research more complete needed more time Time would allow for interaction between corals and allow researcher to see how aggressive each coral would have truly been Watch propagated disc in tank B1 for longer amount of time Add more propagated discs to both tanks
Data matches up with expected results Concepts tested are topics covered in our class so these results are seen frequently Data could be used for other people interested in marine aquariums Yellow Colonial Anemone is very popular in aquarium trade so selling colonies is an option
Most likely path would be to continue the research Numbers are not very complete due lack of time Different variations of competition could also take place
Brough, Clarice, and Carrie McBirney. "Yellow Polyps." Animal World Web. 01 May "Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates » Saltwater Inverts » Anemone - Yellow Polyp Main Page." Fish and Aquatic Invertebrates » Saltwater Inverts » Anemone - Yellow Polyp Main Page. Web. 01 May McBirney, Carrie, and Clarice Brough. "Yellow Polyps." Animal World Web. 01 May "News/Events." Highly Underrated Coral Web. 01 May "Parazoanthus Gracilis." Freshwater, Saltwater, Reefs, Aquatic Plants, Aquariums, Fish Web. 01 May "Yellow Polyp - Parazoanthus Species - Yellow Colony Polyp - Bali Polyps - Ballet Dancer Polyps - Yellow Encrusting Anemones." Web. 01 May 2013.