Student Sample
Over all my client remains very active, and has a great stamina. His strong points are his remarkable running speed, and length of time he can maintain it. He is very talented in cardiovascular activities like soccer, and track. He needs some improvement on his balance, and his coordination, he is not very hand-eye coordinated.
AgilityBalanceCoordinationPowerReaction Time Speed Strong, he is very skilled at maintaining his speed, while changing directions. Needs improvement, he cannot walk a beam or anything of the nature. This will be an area we will work hard on. This is another area in need of improvement. My client cannot catch a ball fluently, and has trouble aiming, we will work on this. My client maintains strong power in his physical activities, and can go long distances staying strong. An area my client is average at. He could use some improvement when it comes to hitting something at the right time. Remarkable. One of the fastest clients I have ever worked with.
Obstacle CourseBalance BeamBatting CagesBasketball Drills With this activity, my client’s agility and speed will be tested. This event will work on my client’s balance. This event will improve my client’s coordination and reaction time. This is mainly to improve my client’s coordination.
Agility I will have my client participate in an obstacle-course type of activity. I will set up cones he has to run though, and time him. He will be expected to complete this faster and faster each time. This will help his skills on being able to change direction quickly.Balence I will have my client do some walks back and forth on the balance beam. When that gets too easy, I will push him, buy making him have a book on his head, or do hops. This will all enhance his ability to stay upright, and keep his body balanced. Coordination To enhance my client’s coordination skills, I will have him do dribbling and shooting drills. This will help his hand-eye coordination which is needed to run and dribble a ball. Power To increase the power in my client’s physical activities, I will have him bike a decently long distance, with his gear as increasing a little more every time. Reaction Time To improve my client’s reaction time, I will have him go to the batting cages. When the balls come at him faster and faster, he will have to react very quickly to hit them. Speed For my client to improve his speed, the obstacle course could also work as a speed enhancement. I will also have him run on the treadmill, increasing the speed every time for the same distance.
SPORT SpecificityProgressionOverloadReversibilityTedium This training is meant for the specific needs of improving my client’s balance, coordination, and reaction time. These activities are designed to start out moderate, and get more and more difficult as time goes on, so my client is constantly improving, My client should complete at least one of these activities a day during vacation. He should start out easily, then work himself harder and harder. Each activity should last an hour, and they are cardiovascular, and skill related. I will expect my client to maintain these activities even when vacation is over, so he can keep on improving. I included a variety of different activities in this schedule to avoid my client from getting bored. When he feels the exercises are getting too easy, he can add another element to them.
The obstacle course will take place in a yard, and look something like this. The balance beam activity will take place in the gym nearby. The coordination activity will take place at the basket ball courts. The biking (power) activity will take place on the bike trail, so my client can experience nature, instead of just sitting in a gym. The baseball activity (reaction time) will take place in the batting cages.
Men’s Sportswear Bike Basketball Baseball Bat