Attitudes to Life & Death 1.I am scared of dying. 2.I believe in the personal freedom to reject God, and hell or heaven are the consequences of this. 3.Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

Attitudes to Life & Death 1.I am scared of dying. 2.I believe in the personal freedom to reject God, and hell or heaven are the consequences of this. 3.Jesus showed us there was a life after death, so I believe in it. 4.I believe in a life after death –maybe because I’m afraid of not existing at all. 5.I believe we have a soul that lives on, maybe it re- incarnates in another existence, or maybe it just floats around forever. 6.There is absolutely nothing after death – no soul, no body, no heaven, no hell, nothing ! 7.I think this life is a testing ground – I believe in a life after death, where justice is done and everything makes sense. 8.There is no soul to survive – it’s just that humans are so big-headed they think something of them will live on. What are some of your attitudes towards life and death? Do the quiz, then explain your views to your partner.

The Challenge of Death “One day I shall die. Thinking about that is good for me. It helps me to look at the way I am living. It enables me to get a better perspective. I know that I shall not remain forever in this world.” Cardinal Basil Hume Mindmap why death is a challenge to many people. *Do you find the idea of death challenging? 1.Put the information in order of what happens after death (as much as possible) 2.Summarise Christian beliefs about life after death. **Do you find any part of these teachings difficult to believe or understand? Which ones?

Your Idea of Heaven and Hell With your partner, describe your views for heaven and hell. Do you agree with your partner? Why/ why not?

My idea of Hell A.It is a place with angels and music and bright light, and maybe quite boring if it goes on forever B.It doesn’t exist, as there is no life or happiness after death. C.It is a place of psychological joy, peace, satisfaction, but there’s no “God” to meet D.It is like a big party with everyone you have ever known, and everyone you could ever want to meet E.It is a place where we can rest in the splendour and beauty of our God, and fall in love with Him F.It is the place where we find the final fulfillment of our life, where all our questions, problems, and suffering finds its answer. My idea of Heaven A.It doesn’t exist, as a good God wouldn’t allow any suffering to go on forever B.It doesn’t exist, as there is no life or suffering after death. C.It is a place of suffering and spiritual torment, because a person’s soul has made a definite and free choice to reject the Good D.It is a place of silence, darkness, isolation, no-life E.It is only temporary, until that person’s soul can recognise & accept the truth about themselves and God 1.Use these ideas to describe your own idea of heaven and hell (if you are an atheist, what do you think would be most sensible for a Christian to believe about heaven/ hell?)

Funeral Rites HW: research & make notes on what does a priest do just before a person dies What happens with the body after death – In the Church (describe the vigil, & requiem mass) – At the graveside

2.Which beliefs does it show? – Holy Water: Belief in baptismal promise of resurrection & forgiveness of sin – Mass: Belief in Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins to be forgiven – Prayers: Belief a soul must be purified from sins in purgatory – Graveside prayers: Belief that everything comes from God and returns to him – Mass readings & prayers: Belief that we must face judgement by God 1.Who does it help & why? MOURNERS – To come to terms with the person’s death, and accept it – To have hope that death is not the end – To feel comforted that the deceased is at peace with God – To realise that we ourselves will die – To give thanks for their life DECEASED – The prayers help them to face purification of their sins in purgatory – The sprinkling of Holy Water reconfirms their own baptism & hope of eternal life with God – The mass offers the sacrifice of Jesus on their behalf, for forgiveness of their sins In your table, using the info below explain: 1.Who benefits from each of the different parts of the funeral service? Write in 1 st column 2.Which Christian beliefs are shown by each part of the Funeral Rite? Write in 2 nd column

1.Explain what Christian beliefs which are shown in a funeral service./ 2.Explain how the Funeral service helps the dead person and the mourners. (Total 6 marks) FOR DEAD PERSON entrance procession - as the priest leads the coffin into church; ‘I am the resurrection’ etc. Prayers & readings The prayers of the people and celebration of eucharist will help them in purgatory and bring them to God. Holy Water is sprinkled on coffin – reminder of baptism and promise of resurrection & eternal life The Eucharist – Jesus’ sacrifice is also for them, for eternal life and forgiveness of sins FOR MOURNERS The Requiem Mass – for mourners – gives chance to remember and give thanks for dead person Holy Water sprinkling and readings remind the congretation not to be sad, as the person has life everlasting, in joy with God The eulogy gives thanks for their life and helps remind those present of happier times. The priest will also make reference to how much the person will be missed & that grief is a normal response which takes many forms The committal, provides a formal way of saying goodbye & providing some degree of closure. It stresses that all comes from God & returns to Him

‘Christians are right to believe in life after death.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. (Total 6 marks) Agree Gospel evidence is compelling / empty tomb / resurrection appearances / importance of resurrection for St Paul’ preaching (I Corinthians 15 14) / centrality to the Christian faith / meaning it gives to living / optimism / source of hope and inspiration for those who are ill / links to the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick / gives life a direction and purpose – treasure on earth v treasure in heaven / encourages Christians to think and act in the interest of others as this will be the basis of their final judgement. Other views Offers a false sense of hope / means of social control / gives people a false sense of security / encourages them to accept their present condition as the will of God in anticipation of role reversal / lack of evidence for its existence / greater proof needed / keeps the weak and vulnerable down / emphasis should be on living and many are too worried about the future and make little effort in the present. Explain why the Anointing of the Sick is an important Sacrament for Roman Catholics. (Total 4 marks) e.g. The person is cleansed of sin before they die if given in extreme circumstances / they are also given communion, which is food for the journey to eternal life / it enables the ill to feel the presence of God in their darkest hours / Strength and healing are given to the recipient and this can lead to a full recovery / the person feels closer to God and is aware of the presence of God in their life / can lead to feelings of security and comfort if they are about to undergo major surgery / it allows the person to accept death or to have the courage to face their illness and make a full recovery / friends and family of the sick person - helps them to come to terms with the illness and possible death