Teaching English to Children Linda widi astuti 2201410022
Teaching English to Baby
Is baby too young to learn English? It is never too early to introduce English to baby: Most experts agree that babyhood is the best time to learn a second language.
How will baby learn English? Babies learn languages in many ways: - listening - watching and imitating
How to teach English to baby? Songs Rhymes Playtime
Will baby get confused about her first language? Research shows that babies can learn more than one language at a time. They will know their native language based on the one they hear more often.
Teaching English to kids
The good news is children are incredibly adapted to learning languages, and pick up new words, phrases and grammar structures easily. The bad news is that kids have a lot of energy and a shorter attention span than adults
How to Teach English to kids? Immerse the kids in the English language. Use music and songs to help teach small kids English. Use motions and gestures during the lesson to reinforce learning. Build an interactive environment for the children. Make games.
Summary It’s better to teach English to children still they are baby. It is because children's brains are hard-wired to learn languages, especially before the age of 6. Children are incredibly adapted to learning languages, and pick up new words, phrases and grammar structures easily. The teaching for children can be done by using games, songs, and rhyme.