Hkkjr ljdkj NSDC - STAR ;kstuk ds vUrZxr izf’k{k.k
Supported by: Gras Academy, Delhi Implemented by: Sansthha Sewak
About GRAS academy GRAS is one of the fastest growing vocational and skill development companies, having more than 65 operating training centers across ten states in India. GRAS is a partner organization under the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Under Govt. of India to impart nation- wide vocational and skill development interventions covering more than 300 cities and towns. GRAS is committed to train and provide employment to more than 1.3 million youths in the next ten years duration hereby contributing towards the cause of Nation building
About STAR The objective of this Scheme is to encourage skill development for youth by providing monetary rewards for successful completion of approved training programs. Specifically, the Scheme aims to: encourage standardization in the certification process and initiate a process of creating a registry of skills; and increase productivity of the existing workforce and align the training and certification to the needs of the country. provide Monetary Awards for Skill Certification to boost employability and productivity of youth by incentivizing them for skill trainings reward candidates undergoing skill training by authorized institutions at an average monetary reward of 10,000 (Rupees Ten Thousand) per candidate. benefit 10 lakh youth at an approximate total cost of 1,000 Crores
About STAR Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh has launched a program through National Skill Development (NSDC) this Thursday, 15th August, 2013 for youth of the nation. reward-youth-with-new-skills-prime-minister- manmohan-singh reward-youth-with-new-skills-prime-minister- manmohan-singh-40601
About NSDC National Skill Development Corporation, which is formed under the Ministry of Finance is a one of its kind public private partnership with 51 per cent equity held by private sector and the balance 49 per cent by the Union Government. Formed in 2010, NSDC is a professionally run not ‐ for ‐ profit company that includes 22 Sector Skill Councils and 87 training partners with over 2500 training centres spread across 352 districts in the country. NSDC is mandated to skill 150 million Indians by NSDC STAR SCHEME (Govt. Of India Ministry Of Finance). website -
STAR Program Flow 1. Trainer Training Days Training to Trainees st Day Assessment of Trainees 4. Till 40 th Day Certification & Reward
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STAR Overview 1000 Crore Pan India scheme launched by the MoF Brand as STAR “Standard Training Assessment and Reward” To benefit 1 million people Scheme to be implemented by NSDC Hrs x 30 Days training for Retail Management Trade. Assessment through written exam by Third party assessor Assessment & Training content fee to be paid by Trainees for admission. Certified trainees will get a Certificate + Reward + paid DD amount in their merged bank a/c within 15 days of Certification.
Eligibility Retail Management Minimum Qualification -10 th or Above Age Year Document - DD of 1650/- Aadhar Card, Bank Account 05 Passport Size Photograph Educational Qualification Document DD in favour of “Gras Education and Training Services Pvt Ltd”, payable at Delhi ;ksX;rk % U;qure 10 oh,ao vk/kkj dkMZ vfuok;Z iqjk uke irk eksckby ua,ao 5 QksVks
Training Content for Retail Management Personnel Effectiveness Selling Skill Customer Behavior CSA Life Skills Anger Management Telephone Manner
Mr. Sanjeev Vyas Mr. Dhiraj Shrivastav Mr. Ajay Sahu For any query and questions Please feel free to call on following numbers