REVIEW BEFORE QUIZ What are the 3 Major Tenets (Sine Qua Non) of Dispensationalism Consistent Literal Hermeneutic Distinction between Israel and the Church Focus on the Glory of God
7 Dispensation Innocense-Creation to Fall Conscience-Fall to Flood Human Gov’t-Flood to Babel Promise/Patriarchs-Call of Abraham to Exodus Law-Giving of the Law until the Cross Grace-Day of Pentecost to Rapture/Tribulation Millennium-2 nd Advent to all eternity
REVIEW BEFORE QUIZ Key figures of Dispensationalism JN Darby BrookesGuers Scofield Gaebelein Chafer (Dallas Theological Seminary-flagship!) Walvoord (DTS) Pentecost & Ryrie (DTS)McClain (Grace Seminary)
REVIEW BEFORE QUIZ 1. Identify the view of the rapture as pictured in class—I will have the diagrams on the screen 2. What is Eschatology-Study of last things 3. What does a pre-tribulational rapture mean? Jesus will rapture the church prior to the tribulation period 4. Matthew 24 lays out the history of what period of God’s History? Tribulational Period 5. From what passage of Scripture do we get the word Rapture: 1 Thess. 4:17 6. Have you read your notes for Day 4? 7. Have you read Chapter 8 in Dr. Ryrie’s book 8. Share something you learned from Dr. Kevin Bauder’s Message
The rapture of the church takes place immediately prior to the 70th week of Daniel or the 7 year tribulation period. PRE-TRIBULATIONAL VIEW OF THE RAPTURE VIEW # 1: No gap between rapture and tribulation. Rapture Second Advent CHURCH AGE TRIBULATION KINGDOM 7 YEARS
The rapture of the church occurs prior to the tribulation period but does not have to occur immediately before it. There may be a gap between the rapture and the start of the 70th week of Daniel. PRE-TRIBULATIONAL VIEW OF THE RAPTURE VIEW # 2: A Possible Gap Between Rapture and Tribulation Rapture Second Advent CHURCH AGE TRIBULATIONKINGDOM 7 YEARS Signing of the Covenant
7 YEAR TRIBULATION CHURCH AGE KINGDOM PARTIAL RAPTURE VIEW *Page 21 in Notes Several raptures of believers who are spiritual or “watching” Second Advent
CHURCH AGE 7 YEAR TRIBULATION 3 1/2 YRS KINGDOM THE POST-TRIBULATIONAL VIEW OF THE RAPTURE *Page 26 in Notes The rapture of the Church takes place at the end of the seven year tribulation period. There is actually no two-phase Second Coming of Christ. Rapture and Second Advent
The rapture of the Church takes place immediately before the Day of the Lord (trumpet judgments of Revelation=wrath of God) half-way through the last half of the 70th “week”of Daniel 9: That is, the rapture takes place 3/4 of the way through the 7 years. Church Age 70th Week of Daniel 9 7 years Wrath of God Second Advent Great Tribulation (Satan’s wrath) The wrath of man through Antichrist THE PRE-WRATH RAPTURE VIEW OF THE RAPTURE *Page 18 in Notes KINGDOM Rapture
The rapture of the Church will take place precisely half way through the 7 year tribulation period. The rapture takes place at the same time as the abomination of desolation (Mt. 24:15) and the breaking of the covenant with Israel by Antichrist. THE MID-TRIBULATIONAL RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH *see page 24 in notes Rapture Second Advent KINGDOM CHURCH AGE TRIBULATION 3 1/2 YEARS
Quiz for Monday 3 Tenets of Dispensationalism 1 Thing I learned from Dr. Kevin Bauder’s Message What is Daniel’s 70 th week? What action begins the tribulation period? Put in correct order the following: Conscience Millennium Tribulation Period Grace Innocence Human Government Law Rapture Patriarchal/Promise 2 nd Advent I have read chapters 2-8 in Dr. Ryrie’s text book
Day 6-Covenant Theology What is the New Covenant Outline of Future Events according to a Pre- Tribulation, Premillennial view of Scripture What are the major tenets of covenant theology? How does covenant theology affect one’s understanding of Scripture and more specifically one’s eschatology?
The Conclusion of the Tribulation Period Matthew 25 Parable of the 10 Virgins (1-13) and parable of the 10 talents (14-30) Jews in the tribulation who either are or are not prepared for the 2 nd advent of Christ. Believing Jews enter Millennium and unbelieving Jews enter damnation. Son of Man’s judgment of the nations/gentiles (31-46 The gentiles are now judged much like the Jews and they will be separated (sheep and goat judgment) and believing gentiles enter Millennium and unbelieving gentiles enter damnation.
Rapture vs 2 nd Coming Passages Two Phase Return of Christ
Introduction to the Millennium See page 33 in notes Amillennialism There is no such thing as a millennial earthly kingdom. When Christ returns, the redeemed will enter the eternal state. Christ is ruling and reigning from heaven even now. Postmillennialism including Dominion Theology Christ will return to earth after the millennial kingdom on earth. The Church will bring in the kingdom before the return of the Messiah. The world is getting better mon! Premillennialism Christ is coming back to earth to establish the millennial kingdom, a literal 1,000 year, earthly kingdom which will be followed by the eternal state. Historic Premillennialism typically embraces post-tribulationalism Dispensational Premillennialism typically embrace pre- tribulationalism
Millennium Passages for study Revelation 20 Satan is bound (unlike our current age where he roams about like a roaring lion-1 Peter 5:8) Christ rules along with other previous resurrected believers (Luke 22:29-30, 1 Corinthians 6:2, also consider Dan. 7:22). Also the believing dead of the tribulation are resurrected to rule with Him! This is not the first as in the first and only resurrection, but it is the “first” as in before. 1 Cor. 15:23 (Jesus), 1 Thess. 4:13-18 (Church Age Believers), Rev. 11:3, 11 (2 Witnesses), Rev. 20:5 (Tribulation Maryrs), Daniel 12:1-2 (OT Saints) Allussions to Millennium Ephesians 1:10 Romans 8:18-23
OT Millennium Passages for study Ezekiel Ezekiel Jeremiah Isaiah 2 Isaiah 11 Joel 2
Extra Information—This is Free! The battle described in Revelation 20:7ff is not the same battle referred to in Ezekiel The question has been raised as to whether this war is the same one discussed in Ezekiel 38-39, where Gog and Magog are also mentioned (Ezek. 38:2). These are two different battles, for in the war of Ezekiel the armies come primarily from the north and involve only a few nations of the earth. But the battle in Revelation 20:7-9 will involve all nations, so armies will come from all directions. Furthermore nothing in the context of Ezekiel is similar to the battle in Revelation, as there is no mention of Satan or of millennial conditions. In Revelation 20:7 the context clearly places the battle at the end of the Millennium, whereas the Ezekiel battle takes place in connection with end-time events.
Chart of End Times
New Covenant See Article by Russell Penney-The Relationship of the church to New Covenant Theology Jeremiah The Law of God Internalized, Placed on the Heart (Spirit Indwelling) (Jer. 31:33) Sole Devotion to God (v. 33) Universal Knowledge of God Among the Jewish Nation (v. 34) Forgiveness of Sin and Iniquity (v. 34) Israel is to be a Nation Forever (vv. 35–37). Jerusalem to be Permanently Rebuilt (vv. 38–40)
New Covenant Ezekiel 36:22-38 National Regathering to the Land (vv. 24, 28), Cleansing of Sin (Forgiveness) (vv. 25, 29, 33) Spiritual Regeneration (v. 26) Spirit Indwelling (v. 27) Land is Made Fertile (vv. 29–30, 34–35) National Repentance (vv. 31–32) Physical Fertility (vv. 37–38)
What is the relationship of the Church to the New Covenant View #1-Church has a different New Covenant (2 Covenants)-Chafe View #2-Church has no relationship to the New Covenant (Darby, Master) View #3-Church participates in some aspects of the NC (Kent, Compton) View #4-Church fulfills some aspects of the NC (Bock, Blaising, Pettegrew, Saucy)
NT References to New Covenant Luke 22:20 at Passover Meal (Mt. 26:17-35; Mk 14:12-31) Appears to be a direct reference to the same NC found in OT. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26-The NT Communion celebrates Christ’s death which ratified the NC… The new covenant was ratified by Christ’s death on the cross. Yet because a covenant has been “cut” does not mean that it is fully operational. God “cut” a covenant with Abraham regarding the land (Gen. 15), which has not been fulfilled. There may or may not be a period of time between the cutting of the covenant and it’s realization in human experience, when it become functional. (Master, The New Covenant)
New Covenant in NT 2 Corinthians 3:6-18 “ministers of a new covenant” Penney seems to indicate that he believes the NC here is the same NC in OT. I believe he may be making a reference to the age of grace not the NC which is given exclusively to Israel Hebrews 7-10:18 Written to a believing Jewish audience does reference the NC being in place, but that does not mean it is in force yet. An “already but not yet” view
So what is the connection of the New Covenant with the church? Our connection the NC is that of receiving similar blessings as an “overflow” of this NC. In much the same way as the nations will be blessed through Abraham. We are experiencing New Covenant like blessings, but we are not direct recipients of the New Covenant. Illustration given by Dr. Bauder of a promise to pay for college given to his daughter yet his son has a reasonable expectation that he may receive a similar blessing!
Covenant Theology See Notes by Dr. Stallard for Day 6 CT=Presbyterianism Attributed largely to Calvin and codified in the Westminister Confession of Faith (1647) 3 Covenants Works Grace Redemption
Covenant Theology