Our History Established in the UK in The voice for disabled people’s organisations regionally and nationally. Formerly known as the British Council of Disabled People (BCODP). Part of Disabled People International (DPI).
Our Achievements Creating and funding the National Centre for Independent Living (NCIL). From 1981 campaigned to bring down the levels of poverty faced by disabled people. Positively affected national legislation, including the Community Care (Direct Payments) Act (1996).
Current Projects Our values and passion for equal rights for all disabled people remains the same. We work closely with partners in the fight for equal justice and improved human rights. We work both within the UK and throughout the rest of the world.
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities UKDPC has its own International Committee that promotes our goals in this area. Our priorities are to: o Promote the human rights of disabled people internationally. o Provide a strong voice for DPOs in the UK. o Represent Civil Society under Article 33.3
Capacity Building Providing skills training. Running networking events (to enable sharing of best practice). Building a resource section for Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs). Providing news and information of relevance to DPOs.
Our Future Goals Working with strategic partners, including Disability LIB (Listen, Include, Build). Promoting key issues such as independent living and engaging less represented groups. Monitoring the implementation of CRPD at grass-roots level
Disability Rights Watch UK