Healthy Waters AMASC Presentation, November, 2014
My Story
Water: The source and foundation of human life Human beings cannot live without water. As we know it, all life depends on it Our bodies are made of 90% water. We need fresh water to live. Fresh water is scarce. We are facing a global water crisis. No one is exempt..
Water Scarcity A growing crisis
Contributing Factors Water use is growing everywhere in the world. Water shortages predominate in arid and semiarid regions of the world. But not just there. Water shortages affect us all, but particularly the poor. By 2025, 800 million people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two- thirds of the world population could be under stress conditions
Statistically speaking At present, 1.1 billion people have little choice but to use potentially harmful sources of water, and 2.6 billion people – half the developing world – lack access to adequate sanitation. By 2025, an estimated 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with an absolute water scarcity, and two- thirds of the world population may be under stress conditions. This situation will only worsen as rapidly growing urban areas place heavy pressure on neighboring water supplies.
Water Stress By Country
Water for life and livelihood Unclean water and lack of sanitation are the destiny of poor people across the world. Time given to gathering water. Loss of time given to work and education. Scarcity affects women and children—those who gather the water— walking long distances to fetch it. Millions of people rely in one way or another on water for their daily income or food production.
Why is Water important? Education: When students are freed from gathering water, they return to class. With proper and safe latrines, girls stay in school through their teenage years. Health: Safe water, clean hands, healthy bodies. Time lost to sickness is reduced and people can get back to the work of lifting themselves out of poverty.
What are the reasons for this crisis? Population: Growing number of people needing and using water resources. Climate change: Drought conditions. Pollution: Degradation of groundwater and surface water quality. Privatization: Inter- sectoral competition. Conflicts: Interregional and international wars. Water Management Failure
Reasons for the crisis Over exploitation Environmental abuse
Water Management Infrastructure
“Water is everybody’s business.” Water Management Levees Water infrastructure Dams
Why the crisis is serious. Rivers
Infrastructure Loss of Coastlines Coastline
Our Vision: Healthy Waters for all! A Social Awareness that impels to Action!