L OW AND PLUS - ENERGY BUILDINGS Barbara Anzinger Sabine Puffer
I NTRODUCTION Energy consumptions is split up into three main parts: Industry Transport „Others“ (include agriculture, service sector and residential) Difficult to collect information Key factors of energy consumption (size and location)
D EFINITION Low energy buildings Often not clearly defined A house whose energy spending was at a level below that demanded by present building standards Aim: to decrease the amount of external purchased energy Austria Low energy standard < 50 kWh/m2.a Very low energy standard <15 kWh/m2.a (Passive house)
V ARIOUS NATIONAL LABELS FOR VERY - LOW - ENERGY HOUSES Passiv Haus Building heats and cools itself and is therefore called passive Fulfillment of certain criteria Minergie ® Switzerland and Liechtenstein comparable to the PassivHaus concept LEED US Green Building Council evolved this framework voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings
A LOW ENERGY BUILDING IN A LIFE CYCLE (1) growing research field the life span of a building is separated into production, construction, operation, maintenance and demolition the operation accounts for the main part of the energy use in the general run of residences energy for production accounts for only about %
A LOW ENERGY BUILDING IN A LIFE CYCLE (2) A low energy building in a life cycle potential for environmental benefits from recycling building materials after refurbishment or demolition Through recycling can be recovered about 37 to 42% of the embodied energy pay attention to the energy intensity of materials (use of recyclable equipment )
PLUS ENERGY BUILDINGS → no consistent definition Plus Energy house 1 (coverage including household electricity) building that generates more energy on the property over a year than it consumes. Plus Energy house 2 (coverage including household electricity and grey energy) definition 1 + production of energy quantity needed for the grey energy of the building which is generated over the life cycle at the property. Plus Energy house 3 (coverage including household electricity, grey energy and mobility) Definition 2 + production of the energy quantity needed for mobility at the property
DIFFERENT TECHNOLOGIES TO SAVE AND PRODUCE ENERGY → can apply low energy building techniques and passive house building techniques photovoltaic cells solar collectors techniques for heat recovery transformers of geothermal energy insulation microgeneration technology …
PHOTOVOLTAIK CELLS Figure: Functionality of a photovoltaic system (Source: mountainlaurellodge.com)
SOLAR THERMAL SYSTEMS Figure. Functionality of a Solar Thermal system (Source: Save Energy UK)
HEAT RECOVERY VENTILATION SYSTEM (HRV) Figure: Functionality of a Heat Recovery system (CEDAR)
V IDEO - L INKS Here/now Green It: LEED House