The President addresses Congress at Capitol Hill. But he addresses his staff in the Oval Office of the White House
THE PLAYERS: LEGISLATIVE MEMBERS Senatethe upper house of the U.S. Congress; 100 members House of Representativesthe lower house of the U.S. Congress; 435 members IncumbentsThose already holding office. In congressional elections, incumbents usually win. House of Representatives members435 members
Ancient Rome had a Senate much like ours today, but w/out as many checks & balances
LEADERS OF THE LEGISLATURE Speaker of the Housethe leader of the majority party who serves as the presiding officer of the House of Representatives Majority LeaderThe Speaker's top assistant whose job is to help plan the majority party's legislative program and to steer important bills through the House Minority Leaderthe legislative leader elected by party members holding a minority of seats in the House or the Senate WhipA senator or representative who helps the party leader stay informed about what party members are thinking. President pro temporeOfficer of the senate selected by the majority party to act as chair in the absence of the vice president.
If the President & the V.P. cannot fulfill the duties of office, the Speaker of the House becomes President
LEGISLATIVE VOTING FACTORS Packingconcentrating partisan voters in a single district in order to maximize the number of representatives that can be elected by the opposition in other districts Crackingspreading voters of one type over many districts where they will comprise minorities that are unable to influence elections
Senators & Reps need your vote – some will do seemingly anything to get it
THOSE WHO VOTE FOR THESE PEOPLE Censusa population count Constituentsa person whom a member of Congress has been elected to represent
If you’re living in a legislators district, then you’re a CONSTITUENT of them
LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURES ApportionmentDistribution of representatives among the states based on the population of each state ReapportionmentThe process of reallocating seats in the House of Representatives every 10 years on the basis of the results of the census.
These people represent us when it comes to important/binding decisions
LEGISLATORS: TERRITORIAL CREATURES RedistrictingThe redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census, to accommodate population shifts and keep districts as equal as possible in population. GerrymanderingProcess of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting the party in power. What the relationship is between the census and congressional redistricting Redistricting depends on the population of that area and a census counts population
… like I said – desperate for votes. LOL
WHAT GOES ON AT A MEETING OF CONGRESS QuorumThe minimum number of members who must be present to permit a legislative body to take official action Filibustera tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches Billa statute in draft before it becomes law
Some filibusters (a long-used “stall tactic”) can last hours – even days!
HOW TO QUALIFY TO BE 1 OF THESE GUYS Qualifications for the House of Representatives members25 years old, Citizen of the United States for seven years, Legal resident of state that you represent, Usually lives in district that elects Qualifications for the United States Senate at least 30 years old, citizen of the US for 9 years before election, legal resident of state senator represents, Senators are chosen by voters living throughout the entire state- 17th amendment
Basically, the Legislature is an elected committee that votes on items
LEGISLATIVE TERMS OF OFFICE The terms of office for House of Representative members 2 yr term, elected in November of the even numbered years, begin term in January of odd number year, all 435 representatives face reelection every two years, if representatives dies/resign/impeach, governor must call special election The terms of office for the United States Senate 6-year term, elected in November of even numbered years, Begin term in January of odd numbered years, 1/3rd of senators face re-election every two years, If us senator dies, resigns or is impeached in office, the governor appoints or calls a special election
*Vote the bums out – OR NOT!
LEGISLATIVE TIMETABLES Sessions period of time during which, each year, congress assembles and conducts business Terma period of time
Sessions of Congress are usually a highly-attended event