Aim: What is the role of the Legislative Branch? Do Now: What do you remember about the make-up of the Legislative Branch?
The Legislative Branch The outline for the Legislative Branch is laid out in Article I of the Constitution The Congress is Bi-Cameral (two houses) Legislative Branch Congress The House of Representatives The Senate
The Legislative Branch Generally, Congressional has three major powers Write laws (legislation) Declare war Oversee the Executive Branch Which of these powers seems most important?
The House of Representatives Often called “The People’s House” Representation based upon population: 435 total Representatives New York has 27 Qualifications of Representatives: At least 28 years old U.S. Citizen for at least 7 years Live in the state they represent (but not necessarily the district)
The House of Representatives •Leadership: Speaker of the House •Representatives serve 2 year terms (must be reelected every 2 years) Why do you think the House of Representatives is refer to as the “People’s House?” Do you feel it is appropriate?
How are Representatives determined? •Every 10 years, a census is conducted to determine the population of each state and how many representatives they receive •In 2010, New York lost 2 seats!!! •State Legislatures then draw the electoral map, determining what electoral district the population is in
North Carolina’s 4th District
Maryland’s 3rd District
Ohio’s 9th District
Michigan’s 14th District
Illinois 4th District
How are Representatives determined? Gerrymandering: The process of manipulating Congressional districts to favor one part or another What do you think about this process?
Powers of the House of Representatives •All bills that relate to money start here (taxes)
Powers of the House of Representatives Break a tie vote in the Electoral College for President
Powers of the House of Representatives Begin the Presidential impeachment process
The Senate •Equal Representation: Each state gets 2 votes; 100 Senators total •Qualifications of a Senator: oAt least 30 years old oCitizen of the US for at least 9 years oLive in the State they represent
The Senate •President of the Senate is the Vice President of the United States •Senators serve 6 year terms •Originally Senators elected by the State Legislators
Majority Leader
The Senate •The Seventeenth Amendment (1913)- Allows for direct legislation of Senators by citizens of a state What do you think was intended of the Senate based on the qualifications given?
Powers of the Senate Approve Presidential appointments (Supreme Court Justices, Federal Judges, Cabinet members)
Powers of the Senate Put the President on trial after he is impeached
Powers of the Senate Ratify all treaties with foreign nations President Woodrow Wilson Treaty of Versailles, the treaty that was supposed to end World War I
How a Bill Becomes a Law •A bill is a proposed law ( an appropriations Bill deals with money) •The process of that bill becoming a law is known as the Legislative Process
How a Bill Originates:
What happens to a Bill when it is introduced to Congress?
What happens when a bill passes through committee?
What happens when a bill passes voting in The House and Senate?
•Every year, about 5,000 bills are introduced (with only around 150 being signed into law) Why do you think so few bills become laws? Is this a good or bad thing? Discussion: What sort of issues do you think are at play when the members of Congress discuss certain bills? What different forces may pull them to vote on or introduce different bills?