1 The American Community Survey (ACS) 2005 Data Release
2 What is the American Community Survey? Meets a critical need for information Contributes to better informed decisions Helps communities meet the needs of their residents Collect detailed decennial census sample data every month instead of only once each decade Release tabulations of these data on a yearly basis Allow the Census Bureau to restructure and simplify the decennial census effort
3 What is the American Community Survey? A large, continuous survey –Produces single and multi-year estimates of the characteristics of the population and housing –Produces characteristics, not a population count –Produces information for small areas including tracts, block groups and population subgroups –Key component of the decennial census program
4 A merican Community Survey Program Schedule ACS Demonstration Period: ACS full implementation began in 2005 –Every county nationwide –First full implementation data products: Summer, 2006 –Annually updated data products every year thereafter
5 Full Implementation: Every County Nationwide 3 million addresses every year throughout the U.S. and in Puerto Rico Provide single-year period estimates for communities of 65,000 or more starting in 2006 Provide 3-year period estimates for communities with populations of 20,000 or more starting in 2008 Provide 5-year period estimates starting in 2010
Geographic Areas Type of Legal, Administrative, or Statistical Area Number included in 2005 ACS for the United States Number included in 2005 ACS for Puerto Rico Percent of All Such Areas Nation1--100% States (including DC and Puerto Rico) % Census Regions and Census Divisions % Congressional Districts % Urban/Rural State Components (excluding DC) % Public Use Micro Data Sample Areas 2, %
Geographic Areas Type of Legal, Administrative, or Statistical Area Number included in 2005 ACS for the United States Percent of All Such Areas Number included in 2005 ACS for Puerto Rico Percent of All Such Areas Metropolitan, Micropolitan and Combined Statistical Areas 61258%1161% Counties and Municipios77525%1215% School Districts8786%1100% Places4922%73% American Indian and Alaska Native Areas 142%-- Minor Civil Divisions1861%--
8 August 29: Economic Characteristics August 15: Demographic & Social Characteristics August Early October: Housing & Detailed Social Characteristics November: Selected Population Profiles for Race, Ethnic, & Ancestry Groups October November
9 ACS Data Products to be Released Beginning in 2006 –Base Tables (previously called Detailed Tables) –Data Profiles –Narrative Profiles –Subject Tables –Selected Population Profiles –Geographic Ranking Tables –Thematic Maps –Geographic Comparison Tables –Analytic Reports –Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files
10 Interpreting the Data: Three Factors to Consider Interview and residence rules Time periods Reference periods
11 ACS Universe Household population of the United States and Puerto Rico Household population ONLY in 2005 Current resident
12 Residence Rules Resident of an address if a person –Lives there year round –Lives there more than 2 months but not year round –Is living there now with no other place to live –Is away now for 2 months or less Not a resident of an address if a person –Lives there 2 months or less with another residence –Is away now for more than 2 months
13 ACS Produces Period Estimates They describe the characteristics of an area over a specific time period Contrast with point-in-time estimates that describe the characteristics of an area on a specific date
14 Reference Periods ACS uses the interview date as the single reference point, or as the end of a reference period, for all data collection –No specific reference period –Reference period relative to interview date
15 Data Comparisons If comparing 2005 ACS data with data from previous years, note: –Increased sample size, which has an impact on sampling variability –More geographic areas in 2005
16 Accessing the Data
17 Data Sets: 2005 ACS
18 Select Your Geography
19 Data Profile for Prince George’s County, MD
20 Ranking Table List
21 Ranking Table by State for Median Age
22 Subject Table List
23 U.S. School Enrollment Subject Table
24 Base Table List
25 Base Table of Sex by Age for U.S.
26 Available Geographies
27 Geographic Comparison Tables List
28 Median Age for Counties by State
29 Newsroom (Embargoed Releases)
30 For More Information Web: General Phone: General Media Phone: Media Census Partners Phone: Census Partners