Week 3 LSP 120 Joanna Deszcz
2 Methods Particularly if goal is to measure the least and greatest occurrence of some quantifiable variable Absolute Quantities Relative Quantities
Measure of the absolute occurrence of the variable A “sheer” number Tells how many or how much Examples ◦ Number of students enrolled at DePaul ◦ Number of people in this class ◦ Number of babies born this year
An absolute quantity divided by some other quantity Calculated value Tells percent, rate, fraction or ratio Examples: ◦ Ticket sales per person ◦ Percentage of population infected with HIV by country ◦ Percent increase in population by state
Fraction or Percent ◦ Used when comparing part to total of the same type of variable ◦ Percent of people infected with HIV Infected population/Total population ◦ Also used to show relative change More to come…
Ratio ◦ Used to compare the same type of variable from two sources ◦ Example: California’s population is 33,872,000 Oregon’s population is 3,421,000 How many times larger is CA than OR? Divide CA/OR = 9.90 CA is almost 10 times larger
Rates ◦ Used to compare different types of variables ◦ Examples Miles per hour Tickets per person Crimes per 1000 people
Let’s work with some absolute and relative quantities HIV_Adults_By_Country_2001.xls HIV_Adults_By_Country_2001.xls StateLotteries.xls StateLotteries.xls
Describes the actual increase or decrease from a reference (or old/earlier) value to a new (or later) value Formula ◦ Absolute Change = new value – reference value
Compares the absolute change to the reference value Formula ◦ Relative Change = Absolute Change Reference Value or = new value - reference value reference value ◦ Convert relative change from fraction to % (with 2 decimal places) for readability purposes
Absolute and Relative Change Absolute and Relative Change
Already discussed ◦ Percent Change Formula = (new-old)/old ◦ Percentage of Main Formula is part/whole=% ◦ Absolute Change Formula = new value – reference(old) value ◦ Relative Change Formula = Absolute Change/Reference Value
Percent More Than or “Times More Than” ◦ Example: The life expectancy in Canada is 79.1 years; the life expectancy in the US is 76.0 years. ◦ By how many percent is the life expectancy in Canada higher than the life expectancy in the US? Answer - find percent change ( )/76.0 = or 4.1% ◦ How many times as large is the life expectancy in Canada than the life expectancy in the US? Answer – divide Canada LE/US LE 79.1/76.0 = times larger
Percent Less Than Same Example: The life expectancy in Canada is 79.1 years; the life expectancy in the US is 76.0 years. ◦ By how many percent is the life expectancy of people in the US lower than the life expectancy in Canada? Answer – find percent change but divide by Canadian LE ( )/79.1 = or -3.9%