“The Christ, the Son of the living God”
The “Anointed” (the Messiah), Jno. 1:41 ◦ The son of David, Luke 1:32 ◦ The Son of God, Matt. 16:16; 22:41-45 God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power, Acts 10:38 ◦ What does this mean? 2
Anoint: “to smear, to rub”, pour oil or ointment on, 1 Sam. 10:1 ◦ General: Used of personal washing (Matt. 6: 17); the sick (Mk. 6:13); dead body (Mk. 16:1) ◦ Sacred/symbolic: Consecrate, designate as holy, set apart for divinely assigned work Priests, Exo. 30:30 Prophets, 1 Kgs. 19:16 Kings, 1 Sam. 10:1; 16:13 3
Jesus is revealed to be God’s Christ, Matt. 16:17 ◦ Attested by God, Acts 2:22; 10:38 That Jesus is the Christ is central to the gospel and our faith in Him, Matt. 16:15-17; Acts 17:2-3 4
Messiah identified as God’s servant, Isaiah 42:1 ◦ God’s “Elect One”, chosen of God, Lk. 9:35 ◦ God delights in His Christ and has put His Spirit upon Him, Isa. 42:1; 11:2; 61:1 5
Fulfillment: God confirmed Jesus to be His Christ by anointing Him with the Holy Spirit and power ◦ Showed God’s approval and endorsement, Acts 10:38; Jno. 3:2 Luke 3:21-22: God’s approval displayed John 1:29-34: Identity of Christ confirmed to John, who revealed Son of God to Israel 6
◦ God anointed Jesus, Acts 10:38 Isaiah 61:1-2: Jesus applied to Himself, Luke 4:14-21 Anointed to speak God’s word, Jno. 3:34-35 Isaiah 42:1-4: Fulfilled in Jesus, Matthew 12:15-23, 28 Presence of the Spirit showed presence of Messiah and approach of His kingdom (confirmed Jesus as Messiah), Luke 11:20 7
The presence of the Holy Spirit and power upon Jesus was CONFIRMING and CONVINCING TESTIMONY that He is the Christ, the Son of God, Acts 10:38 8
Error: Jesus was less than God before He was anointed with the Holy Spirit ◦ “Son of God” denoted Deity, Lk. 1:31-35; Jno. 5:17-18; 10:30, 36 ◦ Jesus shared glory with Father, Jno. 17:3-5 ◦ Presence of the Spirit confirmed God’s approval of Jesus Did not define His Deity (Gnostic Cerinthus, 1 Jno. 2:22; 4:3) 9
Error: Jesus was less than God before He was anointed with the Holy Spirit ◦ Jesus emptied Himself of the “form” (glory) of Deity, Phil. 2:5-8 (Heb. 10:5) ◦ Jesus did not empty Himself of His divine nature, Jno. 1:14; Col. 2:9 Then get it back when He was anointed with the Holy Spirit 10
Error: Jesus had two spirits, and His human spirit died on the cross ◦ His human body died on cross, not His spirit, Lk. 23:46; Jno. 19:30; Acts 2:25-28 ◦ This is a futile attempt to explain the miracle of Christ’s incarnation, Col. 2:9 11
Error: Jesus would have been powerless without being anointed with the Holy Spirit ◦ Choosing not to use power is not the same as failing to possess power, Col. 1:16-17,19 ◦ Because He is God, Jesus always possessed power consistent with His divine nature, Jno. 1:1-3, 14; 17:4-5; Col. 2:9 12
Presence of the Holy Spirit with Jesus was discerned by His words and His miracles, Acts 10:36-38 Presence of the Holy Spirit and power was heaven’s endorsement ◦ J ESUS IS THE C HRIST, THE S ON OF G OD 13