Book of Kells Shelby See Matthew: man/angel= incarnation or Christ’s birth Mark: lion= Christ’s resurrection Luke: calf= Christ’s sacrifice and crucifixion John: eagle= Christ’s ascension Symbolic allusions for illiterate people, attempt to excite them with wonder and awe humor and imagination abound as a deliberate attempt to excite wonder and convey a semi-miraculous impression
Styles Celtic decoration, Greek key patterns, Roman vegetal patterns, and Germanic animal ornamentation repertory of motifs: circles, spirals and trumpet patterns from the Celtic tradition, interlace and fret designs, plus a wide variety of animal ornament Humans, contorted, knotted or entangled
Matthew (The Man) Stigmata= Christ crucifixtion Scepter= power, rule Nimbus= holiness
Works Cited ArtStor riber/article/grove/art/T046203?source=oao_gao& source=oao_t118&source=oao_t234&source=oao_t 4&type=article&search=quick&q=book+of+kells&po s=1&_start=1#firsthit riber/article/grove/art/T046203?source=oao_gao& source=oao_t118&source=oao_t234&source=oao_t 4&type=article&search=quick&q=book+of+kells&po s=1&_start=1#firsthit