TEACHING DIVERSE LEARNERS Jian He, College of Applied Engineer, Sustainability and Technology, Kent State University Oindrila Roy, Department of Political Science, Kent State University August 2014
Outline Why care about diversity? What does diversity really mean? Diversity in learning styles & best practices “Facing the Uncomfortable Silence” Campus resources Q&A Contact details
Why Care about Diversity? Enhances student experience & highlights the worth of multiple perspectives Promotes social and professional development Encourages self-awareness
Visible & Invisible Diversity Visible Diversity –Examples: Age, race, sex, ethnicity, accent, and other physical attributes Invisible Diversity –Examples: Socio-economic status, work experience, sexual orientation, parental status, religious affiliation and beliefs, nationality, geographic location, and political views Personal Diversity
Best Practices Be careful and intentional about the course-design Be attentive to issues of diversity while planning the schedule Be aware of, and avoid problematic assumptions Be extra-careful about cultural references Be prepared to deal with controversial issues Familiarize yourself with the student body
Diversity: Dimensions in Learning Styles (Felder 1993) QuestionLearning Type What type of information does the student preferentially receive? Sensory vs. Intuitive Through which mode is sensory information most effectively perceived? Visual vs. Verbal With which organization of information is the student most comfortable? Deductive vs. Inductive How does the student process information?Actively vs. Reflectively How does the student progress toward understanding? Sequentially vs. Globally
Teaching Techniques to Address All Learners (Felder and Silverman 1988) Talk about diverse learning styles Balance teaching material Do not lecture the entire time Encourage students to share their learning experience with you Diversify assessment techniques
GS0: Facing the Uncomfortable Silence Series Diversity-related scenarios discussed: –PTSD –Minority –Coming-out –Disability –Language-barrier –Religion Web link for the resource document: new/upload/gso-fall-2013-conversations- resource-doc.pd
Campus Resources Academic Success Center: Tutoringwww.kent.edu/asc/index.cfm Career Services Center a.cfm Center for Adult and Veteran Serviceswww.kent.edu/cavs/index.cfm Counseling & Human Dev. Center human-development-center.cfm Diversity, Equity & Inclusionwww.kent.edu/diversity/index.cfm Financial Aidwww.kent.edu/financialaid International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) LGBTQ Centerwww.kent.edu/diversity/lgbtq Math Emporiumwww.kent.edu/mathemporium/index.cfm Office of Student Ombuswww.kent.edu/emsa/ombuds.cfm Portage County Veterans Serviceswww.co.portage.oh.us/veterans.htm Psychological Serviceswww.kent.edu/uhs/psych/index.cfm Sexual Assault Response Teamwww.kent.edu/srvss Student Accessibility Serviceswww.kent.edu/sas University Health Serviceswww.kent.edu/uhs/index.cfm Women’s Centerwww.kent.edu/womenscenter/index.cfm Writing Commonswww.kent.edu/writingcommons
Contact Details Jian He & Oindrila Roy
Bibliography Felder, Richard M “Reaching the Second Tier: Learning and Teaching Styles in College Science Education.” Journal of College Science Teaching 23(5): Felder, Richard M., and Linda K. Silverman “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education.” Engineering Education 78(7): Hyman, Jeremy S., and Lynn F. Jacobs “Why Does Diversity Matter at College Anyway ?” U.S. News and World Report. Retrieved August 5, 2014, from diversity-matter-at-college-anyway diversity-matter-at-college-anyway Saunders, Sari, and Diana Kardia. n.d.“Creating Inclusive College Classrooms.” Retrieved August 5, 2014, from