A PowerPoint Presentation by: Ahmed Hamza & Abdulla Ali
Eye? Camera? Yes! A very debated topic is how the human eye works like a camera or more like how the camera works like the human eye. In the following slides, all that is set to be clarified. NEXT SLIDE
How does the eye work similar to the camera? The individual components of the eye work in a manner similar to a camera. Each part plays a vital role in providing clear vision. So think of the eye as a camera with the cornea, behaving much like a lens cover. As the eye's main focusing element, the cornea takes widely diverging rays of light and bends them through the pupil, the dark, round opening in the center of the colored iris.
Continued... The iris and pupil act like the aperture of a camera. Next in line is the lens which acts like the lens in a camera, helping to focus light to the back of the eye. Note that the lens is the part that becomes cloudy and is removed during cataract surgery to be replaced by an artificial implant nowadays.
Zoom? Sight? Yes! Like everything else, the human eye has its flaws. In the next few slides, we will intoduce you to some of the most common optical issues. “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” -Japanese Proverb
Astigmatism? Astigmatism is a type of refractive error of the eye. Refractive errors cause blurred vision and are the most common reason why a person goes to see an eye professional. Other types of refractive errors are: Farsightedness (explained in the upcoming slides) Nearsightedness (explained in the upcoming slides)
Nearsightedness? Near-sightedness also known as short- sightedness or Myopia. Nearsightedness is when light entering the eye is focused incorrectly, making distant objects appear blurred. Nearsightedness is a type of refractive error of the eye. If you are nearsighted, you have trouble seeing things that are far away.
Farsightedness? Far-sightedness also known as long- sightedness and Hyperopia. Farsightedness is greater difficulty seeing near objects than distant objects. Farsightedness is the result of the visual image being focused behind the retina rather than directly on it. It may be caused by the eyeball being too small or the focusing power being too weak.
Problem? Solution? Yes! As we mentioned different types of sight problems in the previous slides. Scientists have also found a solution to those problems. “The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend” - Henri Bergson
What type of lenses are used to help with vision defects? Astigmatism (cylindrical lens) Farsightedness (convex lens) Nearsightedness (concave lense)
The End