CPCS: Building Capacity on Educational Leadership & Management in the ASEAN Community Theme 1: Preparing the Education Sector for ASEAN Community 2015 Oct. 15, 2012 Alice A. Pañares Consultant, Department of Education, Philippines
PARTICIPANTS: (on a piece of paper write) 1. Name 2. Position and Field of Involvement/ Interest 3. Institution 4. Expectations from this session What do you want to know? * from the speaker(s) * from the other participants 5. What would you wish to share?
ASEAN aims to Promote regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership, thereby contributing towards peace, progress and prosperity in the region. ASEAN COMMUNITY 2015 One Vision, One Identity, One Community Note: Myanmar’s new flag
The Roadmap for ASEAN Community 2015: One Vision, One Identity, One Community 3 PILLARS = one common REGIONAL IDENTITY Political-security community (democratic, just environment, dynamic development) Economic community (closer economic integration) Socio-cultural community (community of caring societies, conscious of ties of history, aware of its cultural heritage)
Implications for the Education Sector for a Political Community that is DEMOCRATIC: Education in the ASEAN countries at all levels (elementary, high school, college) should: * INCLUDE all: children, men, women of different religions, languages, races, cultures, economic group, social class * promote understanding & appreciation of ASEAN countries and their: history, culture, political system economic situation, environmental situation; crisis and common VALUES, CULTURAL HERITAGE. *IMPROVE QUALITY of education, TECVOC skills, LLL by teacher training, technical assistance, exchanges.
Education Sector’s Role in the Economic Community: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT * Develop students’ various skills, talents by encouraging INNOVATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP Promote use of ENGLISH language,ICT & ICT
Education Sector’s Role in the ECONOMIC Community HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Encourage use of SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY in socio-economic activities. Have ASEAN-wide student competitions, festivals and provide programs for the youth of ASEAN: computer games, applications math & science, sports olympiads cultural performances & exchanges scholarships among member countries Prepare students with skills –global standards
Promotion of Culture and the Arts in ASEAN National Arts Month / Philippine International Arts Festival (February)
Education Sector’s Role in Building ASEAN IDENTITY in the SOCIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY In all levels, promote ASEAN sense of community in each country * discuss unique history of each ASEAN country * compare cultural similarities & differences * promote ASEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE – use multi-media * preserve traditional and ethnic crafts PROMOTE CULTURAL CREATIVE INDUSTRIES CULTURAL TOURISM HERITAGE MANAGEMENT EXCHANGE OF ARTISTS, TRADITIONAL MASTERS, STUDENT & TEACHERS WORKSHOPS DISCUSS ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES; UNIQUE SOLUTIONS
Education Sector’s Role in Building ASEAN IDENTITY in the SOCIO-CULTURAL COMMUNITY SENSITIVE ISSUES: How do we deal we them? * ethnic conflicts * environmental pollutions ( cross country) * migrant workers rights, abuses * care for marginalized youth, elderly, persons with disabilities, HIV-aids, drug dependents * human rights violations * intellectual property rights * religious conflicts
EDUCATION’s ROLE TO MEET THE 2015 VISION OF ASEAN: PROMOTE AN ASEAN COMMUNITY that : * is seen by the world as a single ASEAN market/ production base and highly competetive as a region * has narrow economic gap among member nations with level of poverty reduced significantly and with free flow of investment, capital, skilled labor, food and other products. * achieves increasing levels of literacy, education, skills & being part of ASEAN community is a source of pride to students and peoples of ASEAN.
Personal Reflections: 1. To achieve the ASEAN 2015 vision, what are the immediate tasks, programs I can contribute as an Educational Manager in my institution? 2. What can we as a group of educational leaders from our country contribute to reach this vision?
ASEAN 2015 Promotes regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership, thereby contributing towards peace, progress and prosperity in the region. ASEAN COMMUNITY 2015 One Vision, One Identity, One Community Note: Myanmar’s new flag