Bell Work: 1/27/15 Write the question, full answer, & justify.
Need to Know Using page one of the article Why are so many honeybees dying? Scientsit are trying to find out, explain how agricultural and chemical companies are getting involved with bee research. Use complete sentences and cit evidence from the text.
Objectives Can I describe the relationship between genes, chromosomes, and inherited traits? (SPI )
DNA Drawing Draw a portion of a DNA strand. You must show the following: ➔ Double helix structure ➔ Phosphate + sugar backbone ➔ Paired bases in the middle (must be correctly bonded base pairs)
DNA’s Little Friend RNA Brainpop RNA Brainpop
How & When Copies are Made During replication where does a DNA molecule split? Down the middle The bases on each side of the molecule are used as a what? Pattern for the new strand When is DNA copied? Every time a cell divides Whose job is it to unwind, copy, and re-wind the DNA? Proteins Explain to your partner how a zipper is like DNA replication.
Famous Last Words…
Paper DNA Step 1: label the bases on the paper model with A, T, G, or C from the bottom to the top. Color code the boxes lightly with colored pencil, using the DNA guide on the next slide. Step 2: “Unzip” the paper model by cutting it in half vertically and glue the pieces in the correct location on your worksheet so the bases match up correctly.
Step 4: Have me check your work & build a DNA model! Step 3: Label the empty boxes using A, T, G, or C and then color them using the colors on your DNA Guide (see below). Remember to match the bases correctly! A – T T – A G – C C - G
3-2-1 3 things you learned today… 2 questions you have… 1 way this relates to your daily life…