Debbie Showers and Kate Story NMR Literacy Coaches Persuasive Writing Debbie Showers and Kate Story NMR Literacy Coaches
Outline of Day Defining persuasive text – in the context and NAPLAN and beyond Prompts Using the marking guide Success criteria Teaching persuasive text – mini lessons Writing persuasive text – what writers do Resources Assessment Ultranet space
What is persuasive writing? Persuasive writing is where the writer attempts to persuade the reader to her or his point of view. Writer presents their opinion and the offers reasons for this view. Persuasive text covers arguments, letters, debates, advertisements, posters, poems, songs BUT that is not what NAPLAN requires.
What NAPLAN wants MUST convince reader of their opinions Text MUST include an introduction, body and conclusion May be presented as an essay, letter to the editor of a local paper or as text of a speech It can be one sided (agree or disagree) or it can be a discussion Easier to write for or against, not both Presentation source – What is expected in the NAPLAN 2011 writing test? FAQ
What NAPLAN wants cont’d. Must address 10 criteria (audience, text structure, ideas, persuasive devices, vocabulary, cohesion, paragraphing, sentence structure, punctuation, spelling) Selection, organisation and relevance of ideas key Persuasive devices a must Writing stamina – you may build up
The marking guide Criteria Skills Focus Audience Writer’s capacity to orient, engage and persuade reader Text structure Organisation of the structural components of a persuasive text (intro, body & conclusion) into appropriate & effective text structure Ideas Selection, relevance & elaboration of ideas for persuasive argument Persuasive devices Use and range of persuasive devices to enhance the writer’s position and persuade the reader Vocabulary Range & precision of contextually appropriate language choices Cohesion Control of multiple threads and relationships across the text, achieved through the use of referring words, ellipsis, text connectives, substitutions and word associations Paragraphing Segmenting of text into paragraphs that assists reader to follow line of argument Sentence structure Production of grammatically correct, structurally sound and meaningful sentences Punctuation Use of correct and appropriate punctuation to aid reading of text Spelling Accuracy of spelling and the difficulty of words used
The language of persuasive texts Emotive words and phrases Present tense Specialised vocabulary Use of conjunctions First person Action verbs Facts and opinions Persuasive devices Vocab – have chn read and write on range of topics. Good general knowledge helps
Persuasive devices Repetition of words or phrases Exaggeration or hyperbole Questions that appeal to reader Stereotypes Quotes from authorities A call for action Posing of problem and suggestion of solution An appeal to the reader Rhetorical questions It’s a known fact… Groups of three
Non fiction texts – print and multi media NAPLAN asks for specialised vocabulary which requires research which you can’t do in timed test, so… Read alouds Shared reading Non fiction texts – print and multi media Encourage discussion and accountable talk Don’t accept yes/no responses – children should justify their responses
Teaching strategies Modelled writing Shared writing Guided writing Interactive writing Independent writing Shared reading and discussion of a variety of texts – use exemplars and other texts Explicitly teach planning
Teaching Persuasive Texts: Mini lessons Choose your entry point following baseline assessment Reading and language conventions mini lessons summary – over 10 session 2010 Marking guide – spelling list p83 2010NarrativeMarkingGuide_web.pdf Writing mini lessons – 5 ½ weeks of sessions 2011\NAPLAN writing mini lessons.docx
Factors for writing a timed text Writing stamina Writing process is compacted, but still need to work through cycle No time for research
Assessing Use the marking guide to assess writing Modified marking guide rubric developed by Penny Krilis NMR Literacy Coach and Jan Smith from Glenroy College 2011\Marking Guide in Table.doc VELS and NAPLAN 2011\Writing_Conversion2.xls 2011\Years3-9VELSMappingFinal.doc Remember to photocopy writing task before you send it off
Use a variety of resources Go for something that polarises opinions Newspaper articles News clips Picture books Big books Video clips – You Tube, Fuse Persuasive Texts DVD
Teacher resources VCAA website – units of work for grades 3, 5, 7, 9 website
Literature and digital texts My Brother Dan’s Delicious The True Story of the Three Little Pigs Should There Be Zoos? Charlotte’s Web Miniscules animated series Earrings Romeo and Juliet Holes
Baseline assessment Give students a topic to write on Time limit as per NAPLAN Encourage them to plan, write, proofread, revise and edit Assess against criteria Make teaching decisions for whole group mini lessons and small group guided writing
Writing a persuasive text Do teachers deserve a 50% pay increase? You have 15 minutes to persuade your reader to your point of view. Assess with partner against criteria. What do you need to work on…